Monday, September 27, 2004

today began with a rather surprising..well..beginning.

no, im not referring to the sun rising, the birds chirping, the hot air rising because of its expansion and lowered density..

the sec 4s began the day with a talk on homosexuality.

or, more specifically, the myths of homosexuality. no, there were not like "the adventures of hercules", mainly cos hercules is a legend, not a myth.

there's a subtle difference there..

anyway, the day opened with a talk on homosexuality by the school counseler chia bee teck a.k.a the school counseler. she talked about homosexuality, mainly the rise of homosexuality, the gay rights movement, and the odds of one contracting AIDS.

heterosexual: 1 in 450,000
homosexual: 1 in 165

that aside, it was a pretty interesting talk, though some pple chose to take it as a joke..the poor, uncivilised sods..

in other news..

paper reviews have begun.

surprisingly, they werent too bad..granted, i was bored out of my wits, slowly vegetating away in an aggravatingly stuporous auditorium, but hey, im blogging now arent i? *i will survive..i will suuurvive..*

most boring were the teachers..i mean, u gotta give them credit for trying to make the review interesting, for trying their best to make us realise our the words of tim, "she's trying to sound sexy.." but, in my words, "they end up sedative.."

still, even with all the horribly boring stuff, there were light (and dark) moments. for example, you wont believe the kinda stuff pple say when they try to hard for their compos..i mean, "your mouth will become wet like a fishball in a bowl of boiling soup"?? i mean, wt-blooming-f??

dark times were seen as well..and im not referring to the time when some of the lights were dimmed..the propoganda teachers are telling us that we're all screwed, we all screwed up the propoganda paper, we all should be doing better..ETC ETC. my class got a msg of 6. i mean, msg of 6 for a propoganda paper?! way out man..waaaay out..

despite all that, the school day was fun. i mean, talking cock for the whole day without worrying (much) abt work? yar? we were talking shit/cock/bull/cock AND bull and singing and doodling..basically doing anything and everything we could that had nothing to do with the paper review, and wouldnt get us into trouble..

yes, this is ACS(I), the school where the students are supposed to be scholars, officers and gentlemen..

supposed to be being the operative words of course..

tough luck oldham..

oh well, paper reviews aside, this week promises to be a hectic one.

monday: above to find out.
tuesday: same programme as monday..most probably anyway..may go out for lunch..
wednesday: acs school holiday, choir sec 4s treating ms ng to lunch, 4.11 class party at 4.00pm
thursday: honours day, seniors' nite
friday: same programme as monday..most probably anyway..may go out for lunch..

speaking of honours day, poor jeff got a merit award for choir..he deserves a distiction lor..i mean, he may not agree wif the mdms on how the choir is run, how the rehearsals are conducted, but seriously, he means well for the choir, he is dedicated lor..granted, he may not have performed his duties as student conductor, but hey, the choir knows how much he put in..he neglected his duties cos he felt that he could do more elsewhere, the fact that he didnt think much of mdm and didnt want to help her not withstanding..

jeff, u deserve a distiction and u know it. i know the mdms wont budge, but hey, what's important is that u know that in ur heart. i know its realli cliched and all, but its true yar? awards arent everything..

and seniors' nite..stupid pat thong a.k.a pat's thong a.k.a the sec 4 year director..she asked our class to perform! like, in such short notice? granted, we could most probably do it, but its like, what the hey man?! i dunno..i may be involved..only time will tell..heh heh..

btw, does anyone know what time and where is seniors' nite? and what to wear? mong says that gotta wear slacks and long sleeve and tie, but right now, we're all not sure..if anyone knows, drop me a tag..

to round off an already wonderful day, i went to eud's place after school..



oh well..thats all for today i guess..i'll see ya'll arnd..

~ toodle-loo ~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 9:59 PM

Sunday, September 26, 2004

hey everyone..

have i mentioned that i dont like weekends?

my weekends can be classified into 2 categories: saturdays and sundays.

saturdays are boring. extremely, horrifically, terrible, severely..boring. i stay at home the whole day, either playing comp or mugging or what not, and not liking any of it cos, let's face it, no one likes to be bored.

sundays: porter duty. my family goes out for lunch every sunday. after lunch we almost never fail to walk around where ever we are, and we almost never fail to buy something, after which i am assigned, by default, porter duty. i carry big, heavy bags..which i have done ever since i can remember. such is the sad responsibility of an older brother. i mean, when i was primary 3, i was already helping my parents carry bags everywhere. when my bro was primary 3, what was he doing? watching me do all the work..

alright..enuf ranting..typical weekend blues, sorry about that.. now on to the show!!

back to the future..or, more specifically, the future that is my prelim results. tomorrow is monday (duh, u pple probably already know that) and paper reviews naturally start tomorrow. its time to do what i've put off for almost a week now..think abt my results; how i've fared, what i shld do abt it etc..

i realli dunno..think i've mentioned it before, but no harm saying again right? this prelims were..stagnant. it was like, no feeling for the exam. no urgency, no "im dead im gonna die.." times..just me mugging at home and panicking some of the time..nothing compared to the past exams, where i had panicked almost all of the time, and mugged my ass of cos of the urgency and tension. FOS and co. would know, we've been going out to do lunch and all that even during the first few days of prelims (just before september hols), and we all know that we (with the exception of marcus) probably didnt study enough, but tried our best anyway..

in any case, what's past is past..all i can do now is hope for the best..

here comes my take on my results..

english: A2
tough paper..5 own word qns..i think everyone knows how irritating they are..and i wrote an expository compo for paper 1, so that's shaky..A2 is a best case scenario..

e math: B3 (hoping for A2)
chicken shit paper careless in paper 2..dunno how many marks i've lost already, so im estimating a case scenario would be an A2..

literature: B4-A1
no idea how i fared for this..paper 1 was alright, i could do that no probs..but paper 2 was tricky..typically tricky, and combined with my lousier text (12th night) im probably extremely shaky here..

geog elective: B3
a load of bull..

social studies: B3
a bigger, but more sensible, load of bull..

biology: A2
best case scenario yar? i confidant that i did well in paper 1, but paper 2..well, its see teck hock's playground, so no big bets there..

physics: C5-B3
paper 1 was ok..paper 2 was tricky..all in all, i think i fared badly..B4 would be a realistic scenario i guess..

chemistry: C5-A2
a surprise result realli..found the chem paper quite good, feeling quite good about it, hence the estimation. but pple like awong (pro at studies) found the paper difficult, so im not sure here..

so.. estimated L1R5 (best case scenario): 12

but i doubt that will happen..

realistically, im hoping to be a 15-pointer..

"hoping" would be the operative word here..

oh well..


im guessing u pple are tired of my boring one-liners..


i shall leave now.


~ insert appropriate one-liner expressing "toodle-loos" here ~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 6:32 PM

Saturday, September 25, 2004

alright, for those who didnt get the title, this entry is supposed to be for yesterday. since i got home at 11.35pm, i obviously didnt have time to blog, so here i am!

righto, here we go!

yesterday was the 24th of September, 2004. The day dawned bright and sunny, with only a few puffy clouds in the sky..

i woke up at 10.30am. i skipped breakfast and went online. i had brunch at 11.50am. i played computer games until 3pm. i ate budget maggi mee at 2.45pm cos i was hungry. yes, in case u were wondering, these are all just fillers..


anyway, went to eud's place after tt..managed to help her configure her ad-aware and help install win xp sp 2. dunno if it helped though..that remains to be seen. just hope that built-in firewall that windows touts to be sooo good works. it was fun lah..cos of school and prelims and all, we dont get to see each other as often as we'd like to..


*me is happy!!*

and oh! we had lagsana for dinner! *whee!!* its been realli realli long since i last ate it, mainly cos im the only one in my family who likes cheese. quite sad many home-made pasta options out of the way just because they dont eat cheese..

its a sad, sad terms of pasta in the cheong household anyway..

heh heh..

after dinner, we went for the blue concert!! *whee!!*

travelling there was interesting..cos auntie referred to the 2002/2003 street directory, we kinda got a little mixed-up with the roads. blame the lousy nicholl highway collapse, which screwed up the roads along kallang so much that they looked nothing like those in the directory.

of course, it was actually all our faults, cos we had forgotten that the nicholl highway had collapsed this year, thereby rendering the street map of that area rather limited in the help department.

in any case, we got to the indoor stadium without incident.

the tix said that the concert would begin at 7.30pm. we (as in eud and me) were seated at 7.20pm..and we were quite frankly surprised to find that only half of the stadium was filled.

very surprised, to be exact, considering that blue had cancelled 2 previous concerts here..we thought that the demand would be rather high..

good for those who were late came on stage only at like , 9pm. there was some unknown on stage from 8-8.45pm, singing away and shamelessly plugging his own album. his name was derrick macdonald, or something like that. which brings to mind oil derricks, and the question of what it would've been like if his parents had named him ronald instead..

then, at 9pm, blue came onstage, much to the delight of many a fan, who responded with the only known method proven to work at concerts: scream your lungs out. so eud and me had to tahan over an hour of screaming from all directions..i tell you, everything sounded muffled after the concert. in eud's words, it was like "someone had pressed a damper (like the piano one) on everything". it was like, wearing a pair of lousy earmuffs..if you get what i mean.

the concert rocked..i mean ROCKED!! the band rocked, the dancers rocked, the lone backup singer rocked, blue rocked..and the audience rocked too, though probably not as well as those on stage *haha* all types of pple were there..u had the teens, u had family groups with kids as young as kindergarden and dad's as old as, well, dads. u had the usual sarong party girls and the usual ang moh party animals..damn fun..

and i realli gotta say, im impressed. realli impressed, at one member of the group, if not the whole group collectively. one of the guys, i think his name is lee (he's the one who has all the high parts) performed his parts, pro lor! its not often u hear a guy go that high on a regular basis..and u could tell he was singing for real too (his face was realli red after that reeeaaaalliii long high note), that's all i can say..

it was funny was realli cool, the way the group connected with the audience..that, in my opinion, is the mark of a true performer..though i could just be off my rocker and have no idea wad im saying..



and there was this birthday girl who got to go on stage with blue..i tell you, the look of all those in the with envy..and not just any green, it was a bright neon lime green that was so clearly visible to anyone who could see them..

oh well, i dont understand, and i will not make any effort to understand..

to those who were offended by what i just said: u may not slap me silly. what u may do is express ur dissatisfaction in a calm and civilised manner.

* =p *

and now, as per normal, the train running on my creative juices has come to a sudden and rather jerky halt. i have run out of things to say again!! oh no!! what disaster shall befall the world now?!

my gosh, whats wrong with me..

oh well, i guess thats all from was a realli realli realli fun day yar?

*me is happy!!*

shall blog again later, if today turns out to be anything unlike the horribly boring day that it promises to be..

~ ttyl ~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 11:58 AM

Thursday, September 23, 2004


Dodge. Duck. Dip. Dive.


the 5 Ds of Dodgeball.

no, i did not count the show, it'll prove it to you.

haha..just watched dodgeball today..its damn funny.

its beyond lame..its..its..(not crippled mind u)..its..

spastic *deadpan*

but still realli realli realli funny.

the whole show is just slapstick humour lah..the characters are sooo stereotyped..and the game is just perfect for stupid jokes. i mean, dodgeball?? with a team motto like "aim low", its hard to go wrong where lame jokes are concerned, get wad i mean?

team abovedog: the globo pythons. hissssssss. roight. anyway, they are the "perfect" team: all strong and macho and all (and this includes the lone 'lady' in the team). the exception of course is ben stiller's character, white goodman. he's crazy, whacked, psychotic and all that rolled into one. and his team member's names are just..stupid. i mean, macho guys with names like lazer, blazer and, the best one, michelle? like, what in the blazes?? *i just had to say that*

team underdog: the average joes. average guys, as u may probably have already guessed from their name..and i girl, lest i forget. they are the stereotyped guys i was talking about just now: 1 high school cheerleader, 1 fat house-husband, 1 jobless guy who happens to be the average joe gym manager..there's another jobless guy..u get the drift yar?

and of course, the average joe's coach, reknown dodgeball player whats-his-name *i cant remember, patrick O'something*. lets say his name is patrick: he's this psychotic, wheelchair-bound guy who, in trying to turn a bunch of average joes into dodgeball superstars, makes them perform so many crazy antics that its painful. painfully funny, of course.

the first thing he tells the team is the 5 Ds of dodgeball. of course, as u can see at the top, there are only 4, but he apparently cant tell, can he? and he tells the team, "if u can dodge a wrench, u can dodge ball!" and promptly throws a wrench at the high school cheerleader, who gets a hard knock on his head. and before i forget, he takes the whole team out to a 6-lane road, and tells them that if they can cross the whole way unscathed, they can definitely play ball.

and u wonder why he's wheelchair bound *sighs*

after that we (that is, me and mong and tim and jeremy) went to play pool and arcade. mat have to leave early..oh well. and i ate long john silvers.

haiz..basically nothing to say about today lah..jus the dodgeball movie. as u probably have guessed alerady, this entry is more of a movie review than anything else.

oh well..nth else to add now..will update later if i think of anything yeah?

and remember..

in the words of white goodman..

"we're better than u, and we know it!"

cya arnd..

~ waves ~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 9:06 PM

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

hey ya'll.

today was the official last day of the prelims. not my last day. the official one. not that it matters to me, but hey, i gotta be specific. it never killed to be specific, so there.

*sticks out tongue*

so i got to school at 1150. i expected the amath paper (the official final paper, mind u) to end at 1215, on schedule, but i ended up waiting till 1240. that's a whole 25mins behind time! blarrdy!! and u know why? U KNOW WHY??

cos they were giving out cca point records. like, why cant they give it out when they are SURE that everyone can get it? like, make sure that everyone gets it in 1 shot..isnt that a whole lot less messy? and easy for the teachers? like, SHEESH!

in the end, i had to go look for see teck hock a.k.a the best bio teacher the world has ever seen to get my cca points record. WHEE!! i got 10points!! A1 baby!! thank goodness..i realli need the grade lor..its also kinda a relief for me lah..all my hard work over the years paid off. not that i did all the stuff in choir for the points, but its nice to know u get something in return, ya know what i mean?

oh well, 'nuff said abt all that. after all tt, me and mat and mong and timwent to yio chu kang to play badminton. the whole 4.11 sub-clan of the [FOS] clan. in other words, FULL OF SHIT clan.

we are, in the order above:
[FOS]-->r3activ3<-- a.k.a Ch33 Ch33
[FOS]-->hymaps<-- a.k.a Bai Bai
[FOS]-->Ex(lu$iV3<-- a.k.a Mei Mei
[FOS]-->kill<-- a.k.a Di Di

dont ask..

we know *nods*

heh heh.

in any case, we played badminton from 3-5. quite fun..even though i mostly got owned, pwned and any other gaming lingo for thrashed. even then, it was fun. it was lame. it hahaha. k nvm, im going tired lah, wad to do? normally the pple i play wif dun monkey me so much..

now i just hope that i dont ache tomorrow. heh heh..

*what in the world did i just heh heh for??*

oya, just found out, some of the prefects are going for blue concert too! how cool is that! all i know though is that mong and sean chan are going..out of the grp of course, its not just the two of them *heh heh* shld be fun lah..havent been to pop concert before..

oh well..nothing more to add now..


realli shld slp soon..

oh well..

~ gdnite everyone ~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 10:55 PM

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

its been a long long loooong and lousy day.


even though it rained (i like rain..especially when im caught in it, but never u mind)

b0ring. h0rribly b0ring.

in the words of chew kah wai a.k.a can just die right: can just die right..

lol *deadpan*

in case ur wondering why i keep using deadpan..i fit the 2nd part of it. dead-on.


all right, in case u havent figured out by now, i've just been trying to fill space. im bored. extremely bored. bored out of my wits. im so bored that i have gotten a headache.

a headache! from being bored! not from mugging or doing projects or studying (same as mugging, i know) or playing computer games or watching too much tv. i have a blooming headache from being bored! what's next? having a headache from being?

i hate being stuck at home. it is for this reason that im not too big on holidays. sure, u dont get homework, u dun have to study every single day, u dont have to answer to foul (and fowl, not to mention bulldog) faced teachers every time u do something. but, BUT, what do u get in return? nothing to do. and i mean NOTHING in every sense of the word.

i just need something to do. realli. anything. ANYTHING. its like, i wouldnt mind if u give me homework! granted, i probably wont do it, but hey! its me! and it gives me something not to do! right now, i dont even have that!

what i do have, is someone to think about *smiles*

whee..going for the BLUE concert this friday! *WHEE!* its gonna be the first pop concert i've ever been to. seriously. before this, it was only musicals and choral concerts. whee!! what a breakthrough! a pop concert! of course, there's the band itself: blue is the boyband worth listening to and respecting, if not only for the fact that they are one of the few boybands who can actually sing without the aid of a synthesiser. in fact, one of the few times where they do use synthesisers is only for beats (which is good by the way) as compared to a certain ms. spears, who may as well list her career as "lip-sync-er". and not forgetting other boybands, such*thinks realli hard*

u get my point.

in any case..WHEE!!



oh well..shall sleep it off'd better be better by tomorrow man..otherwise tml at badminton wif mong and co. sure free-frag liao..

oh well..cant think of anymore to add now..and probably wont think of anymore to add either..

catch ya'll later..

~ stumbles away ~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 9:06 PM

Monday, September 20, 2004

eet eez compleete!! feenalee! eet eez compleete!!

*maniacal laughter is heard*

its over! finally! prelims are over! *wheeeeeee..!* now i can rest for abt a week or so before mugging again..*suddenly my prospects seem dimmer..*

anyway, prelims finished with a bang. a painful bang.

bio paper was, as yong lee har a.k.a dean of bio had predicted: straightforward. sadly, it was also as i predicted: a pain to do. paper 1 was simple, i gotta admit, no worries abt it, except that i had to make cakes again halfway thru the paper..*heh heh, u sooo needed to know that..*

paper 2 was the painful one. the edges of the paper were sharp, i swear! was straightforward but painfully tedious..i can safely say that 85% of the paper was pure regurgitation..ya know, the exam equivalent of verbal diarrhoea.

so, as lady luck would have it, i crapped *both in paper 1 and paper 2, if ya know what i mean* *winks* and by lady luck's will (ill-will, more like..) a qn on biotechnology came out in paper 2 section a, and a compulsory ecology+genetics essay qn came out in paper 2 section b. how wonderful! they combine my weak chapts into 1 essay qn..2 parts worth 10marks in total..

i qn was clearly a see teck hock a.k.a the best bio teacher the world has ever seen's: list the similarities and differences between a growing and developing human embryo and a developing seed [10marks]. incredible qn..and the best part was, it was a compulsory qn. i tell u, it got the whole bio corhort wondering if we had put in enough detail, enough points, enough bullshit..

u get the gist..

so, the prelims have come and gone, and i dont feel any the worse (or better, i might add..) after it..this isnt good, is it? its not supposed to happen like this! im supposed to be tired out, exhausted mentally (but no so much as physically, dun u get any ideas..) and extremely relieved that the exams are least, for now. and i should be thinking about o levels! which i am, but not nearly enough..i should be going, "IM DEAD! IM DEAD! IM GONNA FAIL PRELIMS! IM GONNA FAIL PRELIMS! IM GONNA FAIL O LEVELS!! IM SCREWED!! QE-fukin-D!!"


of course, im kidding. pls ignore the nonsensical (and somewhat musical) tirade that u have just read/ is complete and utter bullshit, an incomplete figment of your imagination. or, as yi jun would say it..ph34r!!

*someone, anyone, pls..SLAP ME SILLY!!*

*unless, of course, im already silly..then..u can..SLAP ME STUPID!! OR SOMETHING!!*

hahaha..dun mind me, im jus being my regular schizo self..prelims are over now, so i guess i'll have some recovery time..will take a break for a while, let my body rest and my brain cells recover..their dendrites are extremely, extremely tired, if ya know what i mean..*sly grin* if im not wrong, one of them even picked up a myelin sheath problems there, a couple of floods of antibiotics should work..unless of course, its a viral infection, then he's gonna need an intra-cell-body injection of monumental (in this case, microscopic) proportions (heh..trying to be drama..). he's gonna need a huge shot of genetically-modified restricted endonuclease to cut him up, remove the lousy virus, and a generous dollop of ligase to seal him back up. in fact, i may throw in a pair of tweezers (stainless steel, no less..) for his benefit..

pls..ignore me..its for your own good..

*struggles into straitjacket*

~ maniacal laughter ~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 3:42 PM

Sunday, September 19, 2004

*shakes head*

*hey, its better than panicking, isnt it?*

tomorrow: bio paper. im screwed. u would never catch me saying that for bio this time last year, but what's passed is passed (or is it past?)

in a nutshell: im screwed *deadpan*

i have 3 weak chapters. which happen to be big, huge, gargantuan, enormous, gigantic chapters.

ecology. genetics (genetic engineering to be precise) and microbiology/technology.

big chapters. important chapters. and the worst part is, its not that i dont understand them or anything like that. by the most incredible stroke of bad luck, i was sick and in bed when the chapters were taught. sure, i learn them at home, but i have no idea if what i know is good enough or not.

yong lee har a.k.a dean of bio told her classes that the paper would be straightforward. which could mean 2 things:

1) the paper is as straightforward as can ever be, but will still be a pain to do as its a full-on regurgitation paper.

2) the paper is as application-oriented as can ever be, but will still be a pain to do as its a full-on thinking paper.

of course, the paper could be anything and everything in between, and will still be a pain to do, cos its got both of the above possibilities. such joy..

and bio prelims is, as we like to put it, see teck hock a.k.a the best bio teacher the world has ever seen's playground. of course, the whole of acs(i) also knows that see teck hock is the most brutal bio teacher u will ever meet, so the marks that will represent the above chapters are almost sure to be down the drain..

therefore, im screwed. QE-fuckin-D.

oh well, on a lighter, more helium induced note..

i went shopping today! and i went to swensens for lunch!


i bought a new white button-up shirt! now, u pple must be wondering, since when did chee jun go shopping?? well, i didnt go cos i wanted to. i only followed my parents cos it would mean no lunch if i didnt..anyway, i would up in john little at PS, and i saw the white shirt lah. i remembered that my white shirt at home didnt fit me anymore, so i buy lor..

so in a sense, it wasnt shopping..and in another sense, it was..*lol, im not making sense*

and i ate fish baked rice at swensens! whee! i love their fish baked rice! even though i normally dont eat seafood, i make an exception for swensens..

oh, i got the scv digital tv box today! granted, i didnt get any of the digital tv channels, but hey, there's room for expansion right? still, the only reason we got the digital tv box was because our tv has to convert the analogue signal coming in into a digital signal. rather than have it lag when converting to digital, my dad decided to get a digital box, so the signal coming in is digital already, so my tv doesnt have to lag and convert to digital format..

*did any of that make sense??*

*i think it does, in a round-about sort of manner..*


alright, i gotta admit, i've been acting rather strange recently. stoned at times, hyper at times, with almost none of what's in between. up and down, left and right, but never dead-center. eud would know *smiles* to eud: dun worry *too much* k? i'll be ok *grins*

okies, gonna go back to bio now..after tml, i'll be free! at least, for a few days yar? haha..

in the meantime, good luck for those who still have the prelims ongoing, and a word of encouragement to those whos prelims are over but are having trouble finding the motivation to study. gl hf ya'll..

~ boing ~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 9:52 PM

Saturday, September 18, 2004


to tell u the truth, today's actually mugging-day and not bor-ing day, but now tt prelims are ongoing, they are one and the same. it may only be bio left for me, but im still panicking when i go thru my txtbk..its like, i realli need my bio grade, so im doing everything i can to do well..

then again, i havent been working as hard as i probably should have. today, i've done only 3hrs of bio so far..technically, thats more than i was planning to spend, but there wasnt anything else better to do, so there *hmph*

oya, i've spent like an hour and a half today jus playing comp. actually, it was more like aimless mouse-clicking and keyboard-mashing; im soo sick of the games on my comp. JA: been there, done that. CS: been there, done that. WC3 & TFT: been there, done that. various demos: been there, done that.

basically, everything on my comp is 'been there, done that'.

now, im doing bio wif jeff and chunky online..we're having lotsa fun! none of us have answer keys for our qns, so we're doing all that we can to answer sensibly and reasonably, but we dunno if our answers are correct or not. *lmao*

alright, curse my slacker brain cells, i cant think of anything to post here! being stoned the whole f-ing day is no fun..i've done nothing other then bio, comp, and plug into my mp3 player. its a sad sad day for it: i've given it no rest from jus before lunch to 4.10pm. i think i shall have to recharge it tonight.

alright..gonna get off here..will be back later if i can think of anything to update abt..cya'll

~ insert suitable sign out line here ~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 4:49 PM

Friday, September 17, 2004

hey ya'll..miracles happen every day! today's the first time i've ever felt confident (to a certain extent) about a chemistry paper! of course, i could just have filled in all wrong answers and not known it, thereby thinking it was easy, but hey, i gotta be optimistic right?




im sorry, was suffering from bloggers' block jus now..paiseh arh..

ok..chem had a pink cover sheet! *pink!* k nvm, im crazy. i had a huge cup of coffee just now, so im realli, HYPER!! anyway, as i said, chem paper was pretty ok..however, i had a stomachache during paper 1, so i was kinda panicking away in the loo, wondering if i would have enuf time to finish the paper *i left my watch on my desk you see..*

its like, imagine this: a guy in the toilet, baking his cakes (tt sounds sooo wrong doesnt it) and basically freaking out every second of the way..

* graciously * *you may fall over with laughter now..*

and for paper was like, 30s left when i looked at my answer and spotted and error. i bloody fumbled with my lousy pencilcase, and finished writing the word 'terylene' a mere 4s before dalwinther kaur a.k.a dalwie said "time's up gentlemen, pls put ur pens down.."

so heng right..

oya, went to holland v jus now to fix up my keys..apparently the uncle didnt copy the keys properly the last time i went there, so i had to make a second trip. not that i mind of course..i stopped my kfc to buy nuggets and whipped potato!! (so typically me right..) and the lousy cashier forgot to give me curry sauce! and to add fuel to the fire, she didnt even give me chilli sauce! then again, i also blur lah..i didnt notice until i got home, so its a third my fault that i didnt get to have curry or chilli sauce..



oh btw, YAY! only 1 paper left! *suddenly feels happiness bleed away..* i jus remembered..its bio on monday..shall have to mug my weekend away..


*hahaha..almost typed BO HAZARD..*

ok..i kana bloggers' block again. this is blogging abt my bloggers' block! *ooh! alliteration!* *slaps myself* *lits over u doofus!!*

yes, im being schizo again..forgive me..

*looks into the mirror*


and if he answers, i freak out..

~ bb ~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 7:26 PM

Thursday, September 16, 2004



absolutely smashing.

well, to tell the truth, im not very happy. its not smashing; its me wanting to smash something in. nah..kidding there..u pple know tt im not a violent person..

unless of course, u realli realli realli piss me off..thats when at the most i'll yell at u..loudly. very very seldom do i hit pple..


emath paper 2..remember that great emath catastrophe i was predicting would happen? happened..*deadpan*

kinda anyway..*even more deadpan*

for the record, i have a confirmed total of 19marks to be deducted, and if luck would have it, another 19 will soon join them. i wasnt too sure abt some of the qns, and there were of course some parts of qns which i left completely blank. i know predict that i'll get a maximum of an a2 for emath, and that is if, and only if, i am freaking lucky. u know, the kinda lucky that wins u toto and big sweep and 4d. BUT, i have never been anywhere close tt lucky with regards to academia (or rather, the lack of it), so my chances are kinda..small.

had some easy marks though, thank goodness. the graph qns were fairly simple, and the loci qn was quite ok too..i think i can score for those *emphasis on 'i think'*

oh well..moving on..

lit paper 2: open selection. 12th supposedly weaker book, and of course, my supposedly weaker paper. i'll be the first to admit that there's a good chance that i'll do better with paper 1, even if i did write more than usual for today's paper. a total of almost 6 sides in my slightly cramped, moderately messy and quite hard to read exam-induced cursive handwriting, all done in my new pilot ballpoint pen..

*argh* that was the third time my mom has walked into the room in the past 15min..i swear, i dunno if she realli has stuff to do, or if she's jus checking on me..for obvious reasons (regarding a certain word known as 'privacy') i closed the window..its a pain, having to load blogspot again and again and again and again and again..*u get the drift..*

as i was saying, my new ballpoint pen. i hope whoever it is who marks my paper (if its u, steven ng a.k.a austin flowers, i'd better not see any 'ev?' on my paper..grr..) can read my handwriting man. of course, there's also the worry that all that i wrote was off tangent, and i'll score rather dismally for paper 2 (if i did write off tangent, then i guess stevie-not-wonder will have no choice but to put 'ev?' on my paper..but if i see more than 10 of them..heh heh..)

*hears evil laugh in the background*

*no offense to the real stevie wonder, one of the greatest musicians of all time. i was merely illustrating a point, that is, steven ng is NOT a wonder, even if he may think he is..*

*does he?*

oya, remember that sly dog whom i mentioned a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away? *ok, i admit, it was only a few blogs ago, but i just had to say it* desmond yap a.k.a desyap a.k.a dessie! made a boo boo today. he went up on stage and said, "lit core students, u have 15min left." now, i know what ur thinking. 'why would that be a boo boo? nothing wrong there what..?' well, nothing would have been wrong had he said it at the correct time..he said it a full 15min before he was supposed to ie. he said it 30min before the paper was supposed to end..

still, i gotta admit, it was funny. everyone panicked for like 10s when he said that, and it took him just as long to walk to the clock, look at it carefully, and walk back to mic and say, in a rather sheepish tone, "sorry".

lols i tell u..lols..

*sighs* these exams havent been stressful, theyve only been taxing..the reason's not because i cant cope or anything (not that i havent had panic attacks) but more because i cant sleep at night..*bigger sigh* i just wish i had my hp back..its jus so weird, not being able to hear her voice just before i go to sleep..its like something's missing..

to eud: i miss u..*hugs*

ok i shall not get depressed here *looks for defrilibrator* shall shock myself awake! *takes pen and pokes self* didnt work..mebbe it ran out of batteries..*opens the pen and peers inside*

ok that was both lame and out of terribly sorry, im not really thinking straight right now..even my computer monitor, which i remember being quite distinctly rectangular, is a rather lopsided imac shape now..*if only windows comps looked like imacs..then again, no one's ever had the best of both worlds..*

alright, i must go now..may add more later..if, and only if, my current psychological condition (schizophrenia) (did i spell it right?) takes a turn for the better/worse, depending on how u see it *heh*

cya later, and may the force be with you..

~ jumps into hyperspace ~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 5:21 PM

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

hi all.

we had chem prac today, as u probably have guessed by now from my was pretty simple realli, the titration was straightforward, something that we've done many many times already. deceptively simple in a sense: so simple that u think its not simple. everyone finished in like, 40mins out of the 1hr30min duration of the paper. naturally we all checked and double-checked our papers by re-doing them.

qa was interesting though..lots of stuff with ammonia..what a wonderful choice of reagent right. was coughing like mad through the whole prac *i think some ammonia got into my throat!* solution p, i know now, was zinc nitrate. what in hell was solution q though? it was, like, bright candy red. almost like diluted rose syrup. i guessed it was a transition metal, cos i aint seen any other chemical of tt colour before..someone, anyone, pls tell me what it was..any ideas jeff?

other than that, today was pretty much a boring day..came home after prac, had campbell's chunky soup (chicken mushroom chowder) for lunch. funny, i distinctly told my mom i hadnt had lunch yet, and would go and make soup. she said ok, but when i walked into the room wif my bowl full of soup she was like, why didnt u eat the fried rice!? im like, er..i didnt know there was fried rice!

oh yes, a note to campbell: ur chicken mushroom chowder's a tad bit too salty. lose some salt, drop the price a little, and pple will buy it like they queue up for helly-kitty.

btw, has anyone noticed a drop in my creative fervor? *did i spell tt right??* i apologise..realli, i do. my blog entries seem to have become a little less interesting since my three brain cells started to show signs of snapping..the brain cell prostitute company's making a fortune in tissue fluid now..

~ peace out ~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 10:35 PM

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

thank you acs(i)..thank you for that wonderful gift: a kickass (kick my ass, more like) physics paper 1. had to anyhow tikam 3 qns for that lousy paper, not to mention another 10 or so qns that im not sure abt..

physics paper 2 was ok though..simple, though im not too sure if i got right some of the descriptive-type qns..looks like yeap kah wei a.k.a einstein's cat was right about our impending doom in the physics exams.

lit was my saving grace i guess..the kotc qn i did was quite easy; we had discussed it before in class, so i guess i kinda knew what to write already. brings to mind the thought of thirunalan mirunalini a.k.a the-one-who-leaked-english-mid-year-qns had possibly leaked the qn before prelims, but i dont think was i who brought up the point during our class discussions. it wasnt her idea. HAH! *sticks out tongue at her*

u might have noticed, today's prelim entry isnt has scathing and overflowing with creativity as the previous ones. *heh* the school exam board is lucky, im in a good mood today *megawatt smile*

wondering why? well..

first of all, lemme thank all of those who remembered my bday yar? i may not show it, but it seriously means a lot to me *grins*

to (not in any order) : mong, tim, jem, mat, jeff, chunky, matt, awong; thanks yeah? u guys have been great..its been lotsa fun, especially wif the "little" bday gifts that we give each other. u guys have been dropping hints abt mine..jus to let u know, ur successful yeah? im worrying for my life *heh heh*

last mentioned, but definitely not the last on my mind, is of course my dear eud! thanks for tahaning my nonsense for so long alredde..its been 7 great years of knowing u, and over a year of being with u..i know ive probably said this a million times, but i love u! *muax* thanks for making my bday this year the best ive ever had yar? even though we spent the afternoon studying bio, u still made my day *grins* thanks for the watch realli wasnt necessary u know, the fact that u remembered today alredde means so much to me. still, i like it *grins* and the fact that u gave it to me makes it even more meaningful to me *hugs* 16! finally caught up wif the rest of u i can finally play pool at public places, play lan and arcade during sch NC-16 movies legally..u get the drift i guess *hee hee* still, dunno why its called "sweet 16" though..could anyone pls enlighten me?

~ cya! ~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 10:07 PM

Monday, September 13, 2004

it could have been worse..

MUCH worse..

i dun blame u if ur confused now, cos if u are, i have done a good job..


ok anyway, as u probably have deduced from the title, today was emath 1 and geog elec. it was ok i guess..i, and probably the whole sec 4 corhort, walked into the exam hall a.k.a the auditorium expecting a killer paper. of course, it didnt help that our math teachers had been going crazy giving us past year papers from all over singapore and telling us that if we didnt get a so and so score in a so and so paper, we'd be dead come the prelims. could have been much, much, much worse..

the atmosphere was tense, so thick that u could cut it with a blunt doorknob. everyone was dreading the words "you may begin"; yet, they wanted to see what the school had planned for their those cursed words were uttered by the great dalwie herself, everyone, in typically cliched synchronised fashion, flipped open the blue-cover-sheet-ed qn papers and looked at the qns. surprisingly, it wasnt too bad, quite do-able, and extremely contrary to what the coolio desyap had predicted for us..

that sly dog..

however, and may i stress, HOWEVER, there were discrepancies hidden in the paper..

*actually, they werent printed, so i wouldnt know..heh heh..*

topics usually present in the paper 1 were missing! topics such as probability, loci and, the silent killer, standard form!

*CSI-like tone* all the evidence points to a killer emath paper 2..

looks like, as our friendly local weathercaster desyap has said, our doom awaits..

*thunder and lightning* *evil laughter heard in background*


and of course, there was geog elective.

u pple would know how i feel abt geog previous entry covers that quite adequately..

suffice to say, today's paper was..anal. not in the HUGE grey men from URanus kinda anal, but HUGE sumo wrestler kinda anal..perverted kinda anal..

map reading was horrid..give us a freakishly huge map, and ask us to look at an area only 5 grid-squares square. not to mention a lousy river that has features so small that i wont be surprised if it caused the myopia (or whatever) in my eyes to rise a notch.

horrible qns that wanted detail (for bloody once! and during prelims some more!) and blooming common sense. "specific examples" were their exact words. or more specifically, "examples specific to monsoon asia" and "examples specific to peninsular malaysia".

all to be done in the space of 1hr30min.


it didnt help that for this paper i was sitting 2nd from the front, under the auditoriums notoriously weak but huge aircons.

lets jus say that they could have picked a better time to start on supplements.

on a lighter note..

poor yi jun..he kinda screwed up on geog, doing the wrong qns..we were supposed to do qns 1, 2 or 3, 4 or 5 or 6. he ended up doing 1, 2, 3 and half of 6. the poor guy..i wont post too much details on him here..go to his blog, he's probably gonna use more than one screen's worth of diaryland entry ranting about it. find him in my links on the right of your screen *vanna white smile*


scheduled for tomorrow: physics and lit paper 1..two crazy mugging papers in one day..i will refrain from ranting abt them today, you'll hear from my brain cells tml..

that is, IF their synapses, axons, dendrons, dendrites, nodes of ranvier and myelin sheaths are still functioning..i think i'll have to hire domestic help for them soon..heh heh..

the dendrites are especially important..without them, the domestic help wouldnt be much help, would it?

*insert knowing grin here*

oh cranial cavity seems to be overheating now..gonna pop some ice..

cya tml fellas..

~ zai jian ~

btw, im running out of ways to say would be greatly appreciated yar? gimme a tag if u pple think of anything *grins*

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 5:43 PM

Sunday, September 12, 2004

*insert jaws theme here*

*dum dum dum dum dum dum..*

tml i got 2 papers which i realli do not like..

geog elec and emath 1.

now, for some early number crunching!

the breakdown for geog elec is as follows..

40% bullshit, 30% common sense, 20% general knowledge, 10% textbook facts.

does that make sense to you? i mean, its like u study like mad, and all the stuff u look thru is only applicable for maybe 10-25% of the paper. the rest of it is like, sources and case studies and of course, who can forget the lousy map reading.

can anyone tell me what being able to calculate the gradient between 2 points on the map will do for me in life?

will it guarantee me success in life? will it buy me love? will it grant me huge windfalls in the stock market? will it entitle me to tax rebates? will it allow me to use my cpf fund when im only 16 years old?

*i know, im not making is to be expected here..*

oh yes, more number crunching: E MATH.

go figure.

haha now that im done ranting abt my papers tml *yay!* i shall dutifully return to my happy-go-lucky self, forgetting for jus a few mins that i have 2 horrible papers tml..

btw, like my cert? i have a degree! and im only 16! wow! oh yeah, check out the link to my display more stuff there..

*who makes sites like man? it rox!*

- a few mins pass.. -

SHIT!! tml got papers! in fact, 2 horrible papers! what the heck am i doing blogging now??

gotta go back to mugging pple..unless of course it is my books who mug me.


~ au revoir ~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 10:32 PM

Friday, September 10, 2004

5 of the 7 sept mugging days have just gone by..and what have i accomplished?

next to nothing realli..

i have completed next to no revision, unless revision consists of reading textbooks like storybooks. u gotta admit though, they're realli bad. no characters, no plot..realli pathetic..i mean, when u read something, u expect action, adventure, suspense, mystery, romance (?) and the occasional "get down and get funky" moment, but no one seems to have thought of putting any of that into textbooks. i tell u, the mean national grade for any and every subject would shoot for the moon if authors would pen textbooks in the style of novels, be it john grisham, agatha christie etc.

take for example, this imaginary plot line: cucumber a and cucumber b are getting married, and their vascular bundles are in a knot. zuchinni is zelously jealous of cucumber a, so he takes a bottle of hydrochloric acid and douses him/her/it with it. the onus falls on internationally reknown detective brinjal, from the private investigating company "au citron and co." to investigate. how's that for a textbook? bio and chemistry being studied *in depth!* within the workings of a murder/mystery/romance/action novel!

also, i have managed to squeeze in 2hrs of exercise though; again, only if u can consider 2hrs of running up and down a badminton court, trying (half the time in vain) to hit a white, feathered and slightly grubby object back to the other side of the court. remind me never to buy yi jun's brand of shuttlecocks..our first shuttlecock looked close to quitting after just one doubles game. it looked inanely like the duck the kid killed in the movie "about a boy", except that it did not have feet or a billor wings, and it was white.

of course, i have spent much time in the glorious reality that is the internet a.k.a the world wide web (i bet u didnt know what www. stood for before this!) i have posted more than one entry on this sad representation of a blog, and have filled more kilobytes worth of chat logs in this past week than i have in the past month. while most of the sea of binary code (1011010100010101010001011..) is mostly a whole load of cock, bull and cow, within this ocean of data resides text (cleverly encrypted) that means a whole lot to me *smiles* yes, you know who u are *grins* still, i wish i had my phone..
i have also, despite skipping dinner on a number of days, succeeded in consuming wonderful food *wahaha* over this week. they include:

2) 2 currypuffs
3) 1 spring roll
4) 1 1.5L bottle of 100plus all to myself
5) cream of vegetable soup
6) fish baked rice
7) strawberry ice cream on some cracker thingy
8) swensens ice cream blended
9) coffee bean and tea leaf's ultimate ice blended

u may have noticed that the no.1 on the list is missing. this is because i wish to save the best for the last. the top of the list, the numero uno, the champ-ion is..

*drumroll please*

or, more specifically..

*insert evil/maniacal/sinister laugh here*

i have successfully polished off 4 packets of strawberries and 1 bottle of whipped cream, all in a manner of 4 servings and 5 days. says something abt my taste for strawberries doesnt it? in any case, i finished the last packet just now, gotta go buy some more over the weekend..

oh well, i have exhausted all that i have to say. my 3 brain cells are, again, complaining that i dont pay them enough to work this much.

maybe they wanna go back to the huge grey men from URanus..

*again, insert evil/maniacal/sinister laugh here*

dont be surprised if im incapable of coherant thought tomorrow; brain cells may either:
1) go on strike
2) hire call brain cells a la callgirls
3) booze out
4) all of the above

till nxt time dudes..

~ auf wiedersehen ~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 10:02 PM

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

KNS!* KNS I TELL YOU! i had jus typed a whole entry out and clicked publish, but internet explorer and blogspot lagged, so i clicked back, and i lost the whole fudging entry!! and now, because of my title, u wont know whether im serious or not when i type this!

*sound of crickets chirping*


hello everyone.

to my loyal fan base: im terribly sorry that i havent updated in a while..i have 2 reasons though, i hope theyre good enough for you..

1) i was abducted by aliens (no, not the little green men from mars, but the HUGE GREY MEN from URanus!!! speaking of URanus, they stuffed an anal probe up *guess where?* my ass and sucked my brains out. they didnt think to just pull it out my mouth or nose, it'd be easier considering that the distance is much shorter, but i guess they have a reputation to mantain *sighs* as i was saying they sucked my brains out. they wanted to conduct evil, horrible, terrible, devious experiments on it, but there's only so much u can do with only 3 brain cells, so they blew them back in. *guess where and how?*

2) i simply could not think of anything to write..

the fact that my 3 brain cells (1 receptor neuron, 1 relay neuron and 1 effector neuron) were not arranged in the right order nearly caused me to blow my chunks on the train home today. i could have hurled straight down the blouse of the lady in front of me, but i decided that no one wants a mixture of 100plus, currypuffs, a spring roll, concentrated hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes down their shirts..

please, allow me to elaborate.

me and mat and chunky and yi jun were at cairnhill cc playing badminton today. after an hour of intensive but rather pathetic play, during which we played 5 doubles games, i bought a 1.5L bottle of 100plus (isotonic), 2 currypuffs (potato) and a spring roll (veggie). i wolfed down the food (had a very light lunch today u see..) and drank like half the bottle, before stupidly going back on court to play some more. after our time at the court was up, i stupidly guzzled the rest of the 1.5L bottle.

on the train home, at queenstown station, on one of the older generation mrt trains, i didnt feel too well. more specifically, i felt like puking, but u already knew that, didnt you? u told me u werent psychic, but YOU LIED!! so anyway, had i not rushed out of the train and sat down on one of the benches at the station, i would have given a whole new meaning to the phrase "showers of blessings".

*oh blimey, im running out of things to write again!*

*maybe the aliens are back!*

*oh shit! something's pressed against my ass!*

*wait a minute..that's just my chair..*


~ adios ~

* btw, for the uneducated, kns stands for..

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 9:38 PM

Monday, September 06, 2004

whee! the good ol' sept mugging-days have returned for yet another year! 7 days of pure boredom, punctuated by blissful moments of (guess what?) homework! of course, we have moments on the comp gaming, on msn..but these are all guilty pleasures: they make u feel guilty afterward, especially since its prelim period now, and i should be mugging. in fact, every year the exams are always scheduled after the sept muggin-days..liddat how to bloody enjoy?

oh well its ok, i got something new to help me pass the time..heh heh..early b'day presents rock..



go to the webbie to find out is too lazy to type it all out..suffice to say, its creative's new 5GB mp3/wma player wif radio!! and its cute too..small thingy thats a pretty pearl white colour..

ok..enuf gushing abt my player..sorry abt that, its jus that i didnt get anything last year, so im kinda hyped up abt this *grins*

*yawns* k im damn sleepy now..havent had coffee today..its weird, the days i take coffee i feel like i get no kick outta it..the days i dont take coffee, im zombiefied..

*sticks hands out* errrrrr..ugh..nyeargh..feearr me!!

i'll bet i even look the part too..*heh heh*

ok..gonna go eat lunch now..mebbe i'll post more later..

~ ciao ~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 1:21 PM

Saturday, September 04, 2004

boring day..

boring day = boring post

boring post = ...









~ cya ~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 9:14 PM

Friday, September 03, 2004


*even bigger sigh*


a sincere apology to all my fans who follow my blog with as much passion and dedication as my grandma has watching hong kong serials. blogspot was down yesterday when i got online, so i couldnt reveal more tantalising details about my highly publicised life..

*fake, perky tone* we apologise for the interruption; we now return to our scheduled programme, "the CJ show"


Prelims Day 3: Phy Prac

3 letters very aptly describe my practical..

D..I..E *gee, i wonder what that spells!* and f***-ed up..

section a was screwed..damn sneaky qn..i ended up not taking enuf readings, so my graph was too tiny range-wise, and i couldnt do the nxt parts of the qn..

section b..bloody lifted word-for-word from the o level june paper!! how screwed up is that?! and the damn extension qn..blarrdy the end i jus anyhow whack..

but in the end i got to forget, for at least a while, my horrible experience in the physics lab. mong, matt and awong came over to play pool today, and after we were done mong and matt came over. we mugged and mucked arnd till 10 before they went home *w00t!*

Prelims Day 4: EL 2

this time its not 3 letters..its 4!

F..*no prize for guessing the other 3 letters..*

5 own-word qns in 1 must be a new record..wasted so much time jus staring at the lousy qns, wondering if i spotted the right keywords and wondering how the heck i should paraphrase them..

*must be dharma's or thiru's lousy idea..i refuse to believe that chew kah wai could have supported such a devious deed..*

and i only finished 10 seconds before time!! how terrifically wonderful!!

alright..ive run out of things to say again..some1 defillibrate my brain..pls..mebbe it'll allow me to score higher for exams.. 3 brain cells complaining alredde..they claim that i dont pay them enough to work so hard..must remember to up their pay if i wanna keep them. am running out of tissue fluid though..if i redirect anymore to those 3 lousy cells, my feet will fall off..

*shh..dont tell them i said that..*

more tml..gonna hit the booze wif my brain cells now..

~ auf wiedersehen ~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 8:40 PM

Wednesday, September 01, 2004



have i mentioned..BORED!


its jus so weird..every holiday that comes along, students rejoice! as soon as they get the news, they celebrate, go out, muck around and generally enjoy themselves. this phenomenon carries on unabated until the holiday itself..that's when students find themselves bored out of their wits, with nothing to do, nothing that they wanna do (cos they've done it all already), and nobody to make them do anything.

i am, of course, the exception.


today's been boring (gosh, i need to expand my vocab), the only enjoyable times i've had so far being mealtimes and the 1 hr spent playing pool this morning (im still off form). the fact that im without my handphone has only served to worsen the situation. therefore, i have glued myself to the computer since lunchtime, doing anything and everything i can on the comp..except, of course, doing work and surfing porn *honest!*

it doesnt help that the prelims are lurking in the background..its like, i know i should be mugging my ass off and generally trying to do stuff that'll push my grades up but what do i do?

the answer: slack.

its jus so weird (havent i typed this somewhere before?)..the prelims are upon me, yet i dont feel any pressure, any urgency, any compelling urge to study. in fact..i dont feel anything (which is realli something, considering the circumstances). so, i am reduced to forcing myself to study for something which i resent soooo wholeheartedly (mebbe i do feel something after all..*contemplative pose..go figure*

oh well..shall go back to wasting time..*i wish i had my handphone..i wish i could jus hear her voice..*

anyone who sees me online..


remind me to study!

thank you you..and of course, well i come

~ sayonara ~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 5:12 PM




Cheryl Lee
Hao Guang
Qian Jin
Chye Keong
Yi Jun
Liang Lin
Cheng Wei
Yan Shao
Ying Xiang
Wei Jie
Wee Shian
Wei Zhi
Hwee Ming


adapted from: ariana