Thursday, September 16, 2004



absolutely smashing.

well, to tell the truth, im not very happy. its not smashing; its me wanting to smash something in. nah..kidding there..u pple know tt im not a violent person..

unless of course, u realli realli realli piss me off..thats when at the most i'll yell at u..loudly. very very seldom do i hit pple..


emath paper 2..remember that great emath catastrophe i was predicting would happen? happened..*deadpan*

kinda anyway..*even more deadpan*

for the record, i have a confirmed total of 19marks to be deducted, and if luck would have it, another 19 will soon join them. i wasnt too sure abt some of the qns, and there were of course some parts of qns which i left completely blank. i know predict that i'll get a maximum of an a2 for emath, and that is if, and only if, i am freaking lucky. u know, the kinda lucky that wins u toto and big sweep and 4d. BUT, i have never been anywhere close tt lucky with regards to academia (or rather, the lack of it), so my chances are kinda..small.

had some easy marks though, thank goodness. the graph qns were fairly simple, and the loci qn was quite ok too..i think i can score for those *emphasis on 'i think'*

oh well..moving on..

lit paper 2: open selection. 12th supposedly weaker book, and of course, my supposedly weaker paper. i'll be the first to admit that there's a good chance that i'll do better with paper 1, even if i did write more than usual for today's paper. a total of almost 6 sides in my slightly cramped, moderately messy and quite hard to read exam-induced cursive handwriting, all done in my new pilot ballpoint pen..

*argh* that was the third time my mom has walked into the room in the past 15min..i swear, i dunno if she realli has stuff to do, or if she's jus checking on me..for obvious reasons (regarding a certain word known as 'privacy') i closed the window..its a pain, having to load blogspot again and again and again and again and again..*u get the drift..*

as i was saying, my new ballpoint pen. i hope whoever it is who marks my paper (if its u, steven ng a.k.a austin flowers, i'd better not see any 'ev?' on my paper..grr..) can read my handwriting man. of course, there's also the worry that all that i wrote was off tangent, and i'll score rather dismally for paper 2 (if i did write off tangent, then i guess stevie-not-wonder will have no choice but to put 'ev?' on my paper..but if i see more than 10 of them..heh heh..)

*hears evil laugh in the background*

*no offense to the real stevie wonder, one of the greatest musicians of all time. i was merely illustrating a point, that is, steven ng is NOT a wonder, even if he may think he is..*

*does he?*

oya, remember that sly dog whom i mentioned a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away? *ok, i admit, it was only a few blogs ago, but i just had to say it* desmond yap a.k.a desyap a.k.a dessie! made a boo boo today. he went up on stage and said, "lit core students, u have 15min left." now, i know what ur thinking. 'why would that be a boo boo? nothing wrong there what..?' well, nothing would have been wrong had he said it at the correct time..he said it a full 15min before he was supposed to ie. he said it 30min before the paper was supposed to end..

still, i gotta admit, it was funny. everyone panicked for like 10s when he said that, and it took him just as long to walk to the clock, look at it carefully, and walk back to mic and say, in a rather sheepish tone, "sorry".

lols i tell u..lols..

*sighs* these exams havent been stressful, theyve only been taxing..the reason's not because i cant cope or anything (not that i havent had panic attacks) but more because i cant sleep at night..*bigger sigh* i just wish i had my hp back..its jus so weird, not being able to hear her voice just before i go to sleep..its like something's missing..

to eud: i miss u..*hugs*

ok i shall not get depressed here *looks for defrilibrator* shall shock myself awake! *takes pen and pokes self* didnt work..mebbe it ran out of batteries..*opens the pen and peers inside*

ok that was both lame and out of terribly sorry, im not really thinking straight right now..even my computer monitor, which i remember being quite distinctly rectangular, is a rather lopsided imac shape now..*if only windows comps looked like imacs..then again, no one's ever had the best of both worlds..*

alright, i must go now..may add more later..if, and only if, my current psychological condition (schizophrenia) (did i spell it right?) takes a turn for the better/worse, depending on how u see it *heh*

cya later, and may the force be with you..

~ jumps into hyperspace ~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 5:21 PM




Cheryl Lee
Hao Guang
Qian Jin
Chye Keong
Yi Jun
Liang Lin
Cheng Wei
Yan Shao
Ying Xiang
Wei Jie
Wee Shian
Wei Zhi
Hwee Ming


adapted from: ariana