Sunday, September 19, 2004

*shakes head*

*hey, its better than panicking, isnt it?*

tomorrow: bio paper. im screwed. u would never catch me saying that for bio this time last year, but what's passed is passed (or is it past?)

in a nutshell: im screwed *deadpan*

i have 3 weak chapters. which happen to be big, huge, gargantuan, enormous, gigantic chapters.

ecology. genetics (genetic engineering to be precise) and microbiology/technology.

big chapters. important chapters. and the worst part is, its not that i dont understand them or anything like that. by the most incredible stroke of bad luck, i was sick and in bed when the chapters were taught. sure, i learn them at home, but i have no idea if what i know is good enough or not.

yong lee har a.k.a dean of bio told her classes that the paper would be straightforward. which could mean 2 things:

1) the paper is as straightforward as can ever be, but will still be a pain to do as its a full-on regurgitation paper.

2) the paper is as application-oriented as can ever be, but will still be a pain to do as its a full-on thinking paper.

of course, the paper could be anything and everything in between, and will still be a pain to do, cos its got both of the above possibilities. such joy..

and bio prelims is, as we like to put it, see teck hock a.k.a the best bio teacher the world has ever seen's playground. of course, the whole of acs(i) also knows that see teck hock is the most brutal bio teacher u will ever meet, so the marks that will represent the above chapters are almost sure to be down the drain..

therefore, im screwed. QE-fuckin-D.

oh well, on a lighter, more helium induced note..

i went shopping today! and i went to swensens for lunch!


i bought a new white button-up shirt! now, u pple must be wondering, since when did chee jun go shopping?? well, i didnt go cos i wanted to. i only followed my parents cos it would mean no lunch if i didnt..anyway, i would up in john little at PS, and i saw the white shirt lah. i remembered that my white shirt at home didnt fit me anymore, so i buy lor..

so in a sense, it wasnt shopping..and in another sense, it was..*lol, im not making sense*

and i ate fish baked rice at swensens! whee! i love their fish baked rice! even though i normally dont eat seafood, i make an exception for swensens..

oh, i got the scv digital tv box today! granted, i didnt get any of the digital tv channels, but hey, there's room for expansion right? still, the only reason we got the digital tv box was because our tv has to convert the analogue signal coming in into a digital signal. rather than have it lag when converting to digital, my dad decided to get a digital box, so the signal coming in is digital already, so my tv doesnt have to lag and convert to digital format..

*did any of that make sense??*

*i think it does, in a round-about sort of manner..*


alright, i gotta admit, i've been acting rather strange recently. stoned at times, hyper at times, with almost none of what's in between. up and down, left and right, but never dead-center. eud would know *smiles* to eud: dun worry *too much* k? i'll be ok *grins*

okies, gonna go back to bio now..after tml, i'll be free! at least, for a few days yar? haha..

in the meantime, good luck for those who still have the prelims ongoing, and a word of encouragement to those whos prelims are over but are having trouble finding the motivation to study. gl hf ya'll..

~ boing ~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 9:52 PM




Cheryl Lee
Hao Guang
Qian Jin
Chye Keong
Yi Jun
Liang Lin
Cheng Wei
Yan Shao
Ying Xiang
Wei Jie
Wee Shian
Wei Zhi
Hwee Ming


adapted from: ariana