Monday, September 27, 2004

today began with a rather surprising..well..beginning.

no, im not referring to the sun rising, the birds chirping, the hot air rising because of its expansion and lowered density..

the sec 4s began the day with a talk on homosexuality.

or, more specifically, the myths of homosexuality. no, there were not like "the adventures of hercules", mainly cos hercules is a legend, not a myth.

there's a subtle difference there..

anyway, the day opened with a talk on homosexuality by the school counseler chia bee teck a.k.a the school counseler. she talked about homosexuality, mainly the rise of homosexuality, the gay rights movement, and the odds of one contracting AIDS.

heterosexual: 1 in 450,000
homosexual: 1 in 165

that aside, it was a pretty interesting talk, though some pple chose to take it as a joke..the poor, uncivilised sods..

in other news..

paper reviews have begun.

surprisingly, they werent too bad..granted, i was bored out of my wits, slowly vegetating away in an aggravatingly stuporous auditorium, but hey, im blogging now arent i? *i will survive..i will suuurvive..*

most boring were the teachers..i mean, u gotta give them credit for trying to make the review interesting, for trying their best to make us realise our the words of tim, "she's trying to sound sexy.." but, in my words, "they end up sedative.."

still, even with all the horribly boring stuff, there were light (and dark) moments. for example, you wont believe the kinda stuff pple say when they try to hard for their compos..i mean, "your mouth will become wet like a fishball in a bowl of boiling soup"?? i mean, wt-blooming-f??

dark times were seen as well..and im not referring to the time when some of the lights were dimmed..the propoganda teachers are telling us that we're all screwed, we all screwed up the propoganda paper, we all should be doing better..ETC ETC. my class got a msg of 6. i mean, msg of 6 for a propoganda paper?! way out man..waaaay out..

despite all that, the school day was fun. i mean, talking cock for the whole day without worrying (much) abt work? yar? we were talking shit/cock/bull/cock AND bull and singing and doodling..basically doing anything and everything we could that had nothing to do with the paper review, and wouldnt get us into trouble..

yes, this is ACS(I), the school where the students are supposed to be scholars, officers and gentlemen..

supposed to be being the operative words of course..

tough luck oldham..

oh well, paper reviews aside, this week promises to be a hectic one.

monday: above to find out.
tuesday: same programme as monday..most probably anyway..may go out for lunch..
wednesday: acs school holiday, choir sec 4s treating ms ng to lunch, 4.11 class party at 4.00pm
thursday: honours day, seniors' nite
friday: same programme as monday..most probably anyway..may go out for lunch..

speaking of honours day, poor jeff got a merit award for choir..he deserves a distiction lor..i mean, he may not agree wif the mdms on how the choir is run, how the rehearsals are conducted, but seriously, he means well for the choir, he is dedicated lor..granted, he may not have performed his duties as student conductor, but hey, the choir knows how much he put in..he neglected his duties cos he felt that he could do more elsewhere, the fact that he didnt think much of mdm and didnt want to help her not withstanding..

jeff, u deserve a distiction and u know it. i know the mdms wont budge, but hey, what's important is that u know that in ur heart. i know its realli cliched and all, but its true yar? awards arent everything..

and seniors' nite..stupid pat thong a.k.a pat's thong a.k.a the sec 4 year director..she asked our class to perform! like, in such short notice? granted, we could most probably do it, but its like, what the hey man?! i dunno..i may be involved..only time will tell..heh heh..

btw, does anyone know what time and where is seniors' nite? and what to wear? mong says that gotta wear slacks and long sleeve and tie, but right now, we're all not sure..if anyone knows, drop me a tag..

to round off an already wonderful day, i went to eud's place after school..



oh well..thats all for today i guess..i'll see ya'll arnd..

~ toodle-loo ~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 9:59 PM




Cheryl Lee
Hao Guang
Qian Jin
Chye Keong
Yi Jun
Liang Lin
Cheng Wei
Yan Shao
Ying Xiang
Wei Jie
Wee Shian
Wei Zhi
Hwee Ming


adapted from: ariana