Saturday, September 25, 2004

alright, for those who didnt get the title, this entry is supposed to be for yesterday. since i got home at 11.35pm, i obviously didnt have time to blog, so here i am!

righto, here we go!

yesterday was the 24th of September, 2004. The day dawned bright and sunny, with only a few puffy clouds in the sky..

i woke up at 10.30am. i skipped breakfast and went online. i had brunch at 11.50am. i played computer games until 3pm. i ate budget maggi mee at 2.45pm cos i was hungry. yes, in case u were wondering, these are all just fillers..


anyway, went to eud's place after tt..managed to help her configure her ad-aware and help install win xp sp 2. dunno if it helped though..that remains to be seen. just hope that built-in firewall that windows touts to be sooo good works. it was fun lah..cos of school and prelims and all, we dont get to see each other as often as we'd like to..


*me is happy!!*

and oh! we had lagsana for dinner! *whee!!* its been realli realli long since i last ate it, mainly cos im the only one in my family who likes cheese. quite sad many home-made pasta options out of the way just because they dont eat cheese..

its a sad, sad terms of pasta in the cheong household anyway..

heh heh..

after dinner, we went for the blue concert!! *whee!!*

travelling there was interesting..cos auntie referred to the 2002/2003 street directory, we kinda got a little mixed-up with the roads. blame the lousy nicholl highway collapse, which screwed up the roads along kallang so much that they looked nothing like those in the directory.

of course, it was actually all our faults, cos we had forgotten that the nicholl highway had collapsed this year, thereby rendering the street map of that area rather limited in the help department.

in any case, we got to the indoor stadium without incident.

the tix said that the concert would begin at 7.30pm. we (as in eud and me) were seated at 7.20pm..and we were quite frankly surprised to find that only half of the stadium was filled.

very surprised, to be exact, considering that blue had cancelled 2 previous concerts here..we thought that the demand would be rather high..

good for those who were late came on stage only at like , 9pm. there was some unknown on stage from 8-8.45pm, singing away and shamelessly plugging his own album. his name was derrick macdonald, or something like that. which brings to mind oil derricks, and the question of what it would've been like if his parents had named him ronald instead..

then, at 9pm, blue came onstage, much to the delight of many a fan, who responded with the only known method proven to work at concerts: scream your lungs out. so eud and me had to tahan over an hour of screaming from all directions..i tell you, everything sounded muffled after the concert. in eud's words, it was like "someone had pressed a damper (like the piano one) on everything". it was like, wearing a pair of lousy earmuffs..if you get what i mean.

the concert rocked..i mean ROCKED!! the band rocked, the dancers rocked, the lone backup singer rocked, blue rocked..and the audience rocked too, though probably not as well as those on stage *haha* all types of pple were there..u had the teens, u had family groups with kids as young as kindergarden and dad's as old as, well, dads. u had the usual sarong party girls and the usual ang moh party animals..damn fun..

and i realli gotta say, im impressed. realli impressed, at one member of the group, if not the whole group collectively. one of the guys, i think his name is lee (he's the one who has all the high parts) performed his parts, pro lor! its not often u hear a guy go that high on a regular basis..and u could tell he was singing for real too (his face was realli red after that reeeaaaalliii long high note), that's all i can say..

it was funny was realli cool, the way the group connected with the audience..that, in my opinion, is the mark of a true performer..though i could just be off my rocker and have no idea wad im saying..



and there was this birthday girl who got to go on stage with blue..i tell you, the look of all those in the with envy..and not just any green, it was a bright neon lime green that was so clearly visible to anyone who could see them..

oh well, i dont understand, and i will not make any effort to understand..

to those who were offended by what i just said: u may not slap me silly. what u may do is express ur dissatisfaction in a calm and civilised manner.

* =p *

and now, as per normal, the train running on my creative juices has come to a sudden and rather jerky halt. i have run out of things to say again!! oh no!! what disaster shall befall the world now?!

my gosh, whats wrong with me..

oh well, i guess thats all from was a realli realli realli fun day yar?

*me is happy!!*

shall blog again later, if today turns out to be anything unlike the horribly boring day that it promises to be..

~ ttyl ~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 11:58 AM




Cheryl Lee
Hao Guang
Qian Jin
Chye Keong
Yi Jun
Liang Lin
Cheng Wei
Yan Shao
Ying Xiang
Wei Jie
Wee Shian
Wei Zhi
Hwee Ming


adapted from: ariana