Thursday, October 28, 2004

g'day, welcome to the third episode of The Big O. im ur wonderful host, nam tsoh, and i think i'll cut the crap and just bring u today's update of the O level examinations..

well, prawned actually.
u see, today's bio prac was..interesting, to put it nicely. qn 1 was tests, identification of solutions. qn 2 stank. literally. we had to draw a prawn, and as luck would have it, the prawn was raw.
now those who are closer to me will know that i hate seafood. i hate/detest/want-to-stuff-it-down-my-toilet-bowl-and-flush seafood. one of the main reasons i hate seafood is the smell. it, well..smells. bad.
the prawn was just that: smelly/stinky/petulant/yucks. so anyway, i got that done without much matter that i was worrying about leaking prawn juices onto myself and absolutely refusing to physically touch the prawn. besides, it was wet, both with water and its own juices, and i didnt want to walk around smelling like a damn prawn..
so yeah, got it done without much incident..
next paper: SS
prediction for next episode: DIE
remember to tune in next time!

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 7:53 PM

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

hello everyone, this is ur host, nam tsoh. we apologise for the transmission breakdown that occured at 10pm last night, which prevented us from telecasting the second episode of our hit series.

due to the electrical surge that occured in conjuction with transmission breakdown, we have lost all relevant data to our second episode.

therefore, we bring u choice quotes from cheej, the subject of our programme.

"physics prac was simple lah..qn 1 was tedious though. still, i dont think i cocked up like i did with prelims.."

~remember to tune in next time!~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 1:42 PM

Thursday, October 21, 2004

good day everyone, welcome to the pilot episode of the second season of "Emancipating Exams". this new series is titled "The Big O", and will center on the life of a student as he journeys down he road of discovery toward "The Big O".

in light of the critical acclaim that was received by the first season, "Passing Preliminaries", "The Big O" will follow the industry-accepted 65484431 format. in layman terms, it means that every program will begin with a personal run-through of the day's paper, followed by opinions and, of course, the day-to-day happenings that help our subject de-stress. viewer comments can, as always, be expressed at the online tagboard.

im sure that by now u are wondering, who is the subject of this series? what makes it so different from the first? well, the answer to that question is quite obvious. there is really nothing that separates the first season from the current one, with the exception of the title. our subject is the same as the first season's, the format is the same as the first season's, our logo design and website setup is exactly the same as the first season's. this however, does not mean that our show is boring, stagnant and slip-shod. i personally guarantee that the new season will not disappoint the strong viewership that we have enjoyed from the first season (pls refer to the disclaimer on our website for more information..)

for the benefit of new viewership, the student in our show is cheej, an atypical secondary 4 student from acs(i) who is sitting for his O levels. the program is his ode to "The Big O", that is, the GCSE O Level Examinations. (those who had thought of other select words beginning with the letter O, pls switch to pay-per-view NOW. u may find a program of ur preference there..perv..)

and now, without further ado, i present, the pilot episode of our new series "The Big O"!......

die liao..chem prac die liao..3 unknowns!! i mean, since when man?? and sodium thiosulphate titration..the worst titration u can possibly get cos its time-wasting and the calculations are bloody murder..
to tell u the truth, there's really not much to say for today's paper. it was expected i guess..the school spotted pretty well, considering that we did thiosulphate titration in the prelim as well. still, no one, not even the school, expected 3 QA unknowns, much less an extension question in titration..
what im worried abt is that it doesnt feel like its a major exam. most of us just turned up in school, did the paper, had lunch and went home. i dont feel like my future is dependant on this. which sucks btw. it blows.
of course, that lack of emotion was felt (how's that for an oxymoron?) only during the course of the paper itself. everyone was freaking out during quarantine. it was as if the reality of it all only hit us after the paper was abt the enemy sneaking up behind u and stabbing u in the back..
despite all of that, im realli still very much on a high..yesterday was a really really really good day...
oh well..physics prac is coming is bio..and after that begins the written papers..
gonna mug now..
that concludes our pilot episode of "The Big O". tune in next wednesday for episode 2!
this ur host, nam tsoh, and im just warming up..
~ toodles ~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 8:00 PM

Monday, October 18, 2004

after much coaxing from my fellow men, i have decided to update.

not that there's much to update about anyway..i have a boring life *with the exception of a certain someone of course*

i dunno lah..the past few days havent been particularly 'up' for me..i fell sick on thursday (or was it friday? i cant remember..) kana the flu, with fever..up till now, i still have mucus fighting to stop me from breathing. it doesnt help that the mucus is trying to get me to hack my guts up either..

that's not the main reason im upset though..

on saturday, my parents went out. before they left the house, they asked me for my handphone, which they said they might trade in. all of 3 mins of advance notification was given to me. like, what the hell lor? my phone wasnt the only trade-in-able phone in the house lor. now, all this ruckus wouldnt even be seen on this blog here if i had been able to use the new phone, which, incidentally, is a nokia 6230, a phone that i've been wanting for a long long time. i dont know if im gonna use it (when i finally get back the use A phone, anyway), and if i dont, i have lost all my phonebook, sms and organiser data, not to mention all the games and wallpapers and ringtones that were on my old phone.

im just sick of this. not once have they considered my feelings. i dont think they're gonna start.

they're not even offering any input on what jc i wanna go to. i dun even know if they care, and right now, i dont give a shit if they do or not.

1 word.


~ SSDD ~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 7:52 PM

Thursday, October 14, 2004

hey everone..would have blogged yesterday, but i got sick yesterday..

still sick btw..flu..dunno whether got fever or not..


yesterday was seniors' farewell moving..its like, 4 years in acs(i) passed so quickly. so many memories, both good and bad, and i'll cherish all of them..

before the service started, you could see so many of the sec 4s in the sac, makaning all of the foods that we'd seldom be able to eat again..anything from xiao ji to dope to laksa..we were all so bored of the foods already, but the thought of not coming down to the sac (both in the mornings and at recesses) to eat all these foods..lets jus say that its a powerful motivation, both for me and everyone else yar? i'll miss the stall aunties and uncles too..they're all so nice, even the dope auntie who overcharges all the time..i'll never forget auntie meng kiao, the auntie and uncle from stall 3 and the 3 aunties from stall 7..

the chapel service itself was was the most meaningful chapel service i've ever sat thru.."true friendships" was the topic, and i cant think of a more fitting subject to talk about. i spent the day thinking of the future lor..true much to think abt..we did a compo abt it once..what would we all be like 10, 20 years down the road? deep thoughts man..

oh yeah, the teacher's quotes were amazing..they were funny, inspiring and moving all at the same time..almost all of them came with a fond memory that will remain with me for years to come. my favourite was see teck hock's: if the pain doesnt kill you, it'll make u stronger. i remember the first time he said that to my was at the beginning of last year if im not wrong..when i still thought that the o levels were far away and not so much of a worry..

clarence's speech to the school was so meaningful too..he highlighted all of his fondest memories from sec 1 all the way to sec 4..i dunno abt u, but im sure that it touched so many of the sec 4 population..all of guys have been thru so much since graduating from primary school..

Sec 1:
1.7 philemon..the most cocked-up class in the level..i had all the troublemakers in the same class with me..rahulnath, jagathis, rahul mohan, arvind kumar..they all made fun of poor thow lor..THOW SONG!! and THOW PARADE!! man..those were the days..we were young, carefree, more-or-less innocent..pants up to our bellybuttons and socks almost up to our knees..

Sec 2:
i was in 2.11 asher for the first 2 weeks of school, up to the point when we came back from desaru. for many of us, desaru was the first time we'd been out the country without our parents, and i was no exception. made so many friends in those first 2 weeks..was kinda sad when i had to transfer to 2.1 reuben cos the indonesian scholars had arrived at acs. then again, it wasnt so bad..had realli great times at 2.1 too..making fun of mahathir..cyber-ac sessions with ryan, jon and guo quan..not to mention making fun of fiona ho the whole way. i remember one lit lesson, we were all so rowdy she asked us "class! if u dont want to do lit, what do u want to do??" the whole class yelled "SEX!!" and to our surprise, she immediately proceeded to draw a mindmap on sex on the board..surely an unforgettable lesson *winks*

Sec 3:
3.11 elisha..gary pek as class the guys a bloody slacker lor..not a single bit of social studies was done or taught until the few weeks before the exams. and not to mention our trip to lijiang and to know everyone in the class realli well on that trip..every night we'd cram into malcolm's hotel room and we'd watch tv and eat cup noodles, talk cock and play tai tee till the wee hours of the morning. 3.11 was also my first encounter with see teck hock..i can realli safely say that he's one of the best teacher's a ever had..all credit for my bio results goes to him lor..not to mention lessons from his life's experiences..insights on life given to us from him..despite being one of the hardest teachers in the school, all of us in the class knew that he's also got a heart of gold..
and by now, all of our pants had reached the hips, and our socks had somehow disappeared into our shoes..

Sec 4:
4.11 stephen..see teck hock for class teacher!! yay!! the beginning of the year was when he imparted to us that most inspiring quote at the beginning of this entry. the days in sec 4 were numbered, but we enjoyed every single minute of it. all of the ups, all of the downs..i may not have cherished them then, but i cherish them now..all the fond memories will be with me for the rest of my life..

to the FoS Clan, the choir committee, the ncc committee..despite any disagreements we might have had (especially in ncc), i count u guys among my closest circle of friends. im realli gonna miss you guys..must meet up even if we're not in the same jc yar? and the choir xco, must get together to perfom if we can!!

to my juniors in choir, for whom it has been a pleasure to serve as ur vice-prez and mentor..i'll miss u guys too! i'll definitely come back to see u guys yar? though if u dont want to see me i'll understand *lolz*

to all of my teachers through all my 4 years in acs..thank you so much for all ur guidance and teachings through this chapter of my life. i may not have argreed with everything u might have suggested and wanted, i still count u pple as some of the key figures in the shaping of my person, the molding of my character..i cant thank all of you enough..

"life is a road that i wanna keep going, love is a river i wanna keep flowing on.."

"starting out on a journey.."


good luck for everything that u do matter what happens, give ur best in all that you do!!

to quote the hallelu institution that has given me both ups and downs in my life, and made me decide that i want a secular jc..

~ The ACS Anthem ~
in days of yore from western shores
oldham, dauntless hero, came
and planted a beacon of truth and light
in this island of the main
here may it stand from year to year
emblem of grand endeavor
the regions round echo the sound
of ACS forever
sing ACS forever more, our acs forever
God saved our land and heaven bless
our ACS forever
our students hail from china's plains
and the land of rising sun
we have many sons from india's strand
and the islands of the main
our hearts, our hopes, our aims, are one
no discord e're will sever
we'll stand together for the cause
of ACS forever
sing ACS forever more, our acs forever
God saved our land and heaven bless
our ACS forever

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 4:11 PM

Friday, October 08, 2004

"13549841, this is dispatch. your orders are to fly recon route 267. take-off clearance has already been granted at the southern hanger.."

rousing myself from my restful slumber, i opened my multi-facceted eyes and ran my wings through their cold-start sequence, ensuring that i didnt miss any steps that would cause a catastrophic failure of my thinner-than-paper devices. checks completed, i opened up the throttle and took off into the cool morning air..

flitting out the hanger door, i made a dash for the 1st route marker. you see, the sooner i finish recon, the sooner i can get my honey! somehow, there's this strange allure about it..warm, thick, sweet..


so anyway, i ran through the first 3 route markers without incident. spotting the entrance to the 4th marker, i punched my afterburners and dove through the crack in the wall.


"brriiighht lliighhhtt..briiiggghht..ii loovee iiitt..liiiigghttt.."

"intruder!! who is this beige-coloured blob that dares to block my light?? outrageous!!"

so i dived toward it, weapon at the ready (just in case). landing carefully, i proceeded with my investigation.

"maybe after this i can get a bonus..MORE HONEY!!"

then, IT came.

it came from the sky, swifter than a lightning bolt, and certainly a whole lot deadlier. although it barely grazed me, i had suffered mortal wounds.


yet, i knew i was done for. desperately, i drew in my last breath, and released my payload.




that's when i opened my eyes.

maybe some explanataion is in order.

you see, i had woken this morning and proceeded to my shower as usual. due to the uncurable condition known as "morning sickness", more commonly known as "sleepiness", i decided to shower with my eyes closed (i was desperate to get more shut-eye, can u seriously blame me?)

so there i was, showering (i refuse to use any other adjectives that may have double, maybe even triple, meanings), when i brushed my right middle finger my accident and felt a sharp pain. no, it was not due to my "morning sickness", it was due to a bee that had conveniently decided to investigate my finger. it wasnt happy that i had hit it, so it pricked me.

so there i was, water running down my face, blinking stupidly at the bee, who is frantically trying to stuff his prick into a hole in my finger (she made the hole by the way..). so i flicked it away and watched as the venom sac at the end of its prick twitched away..

then i realised that it was a venom sac. so i pulled it out.

lucky for me, im not allergic to bee's pricks, so i didnt collapse and pass out there and then. unfortunately, i am still succeptible to its other effects. therefore, my right middle finger currently looks the michelin man's, with the exception of the fact that my finger isnt white.

so yeah, right now my middle finger is 127.38% times its normal size.

go on, laugh at my expense.

ur supposed to..

other than that though, today's been a rather uneventful day.

see ya'll around

~ waves the finger ~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 8:12 PM

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

the answer to the above question(s): MUG.

prelim results were released today..first thing in the morning, can u believe that?

anyway, i scored well for 3 subs, did ok for the rest except chem, for which i obtained a 54%. i gotta go for intensive study camp for 2 subs! chem and fun right? and worst part was, i fit the criteria for chem like a hand fits into a tight glove: by 1%

1 percent! 1 measly percent! and if ur wondering why im not using the percentage sign, its cos im lazy to press both shift and 5 at the same time.

so im caught between emotions: happy and proud of my A1s in english, lit and bio, sad that i didnt do better, and relieved that i didnt do worse.

i gotta agree, im weird..

anyway, my marks are below. hurl rotten eggs at me, laugh at me, chide me, i dont realli care at the moment. all i wanna do is to do better in Os..they're the last chance i got..

EL: 81%
Lit: 77%
Bio: 89%
-those were the ones im proud come the lesser results..
E Math: 60%
Phy: 66%
Chem: 54%
Combined H: 63%
(all the marks are after moderation btw..)

so, i managed to garner a L1R5 of 14 points after moderation. i dont even want to know what it was before moderation.

the problem wif my L1R5 is that it presents to me a very interesting challenge: the challenge of choosing a jc for the provisional admission. its like, 14 is right in the middle of many jc's requirements, so im kinda stuck.

based on my choices, i have made the following decision:
1st choice: NJC
2nd choice: ACJC

choosing wasnt tough, even though my score isnt good enuf for njc (extremely slim chances of getting in, but chances none the less), and i can very easily make it into acjc.

why dont i go acjc then?

tts a good qn, and i have a good ans too..

its too..hallelu (or overbearing with regards to religion) (no offense to christianity)

its like, i dont want to go to a jc where they try to convert u every step of the way. 4 years in acs is enough of hallelu-ness, especially for a free-thinker like me. granted, the morning devotions, chapels, services..they're good and all, but i guess i just dont think its fair to those who are non-christian. just today, we had a screening of some christian film after the results were released. i sat through an hour and a half of some show featuring a cop, his kids, and a gang. every 10 mins, the show was interrupted by some music video of some christian song, with the themes of the videos having nothing to do wif the show. granted, i understood its meaning, and acknowledge that it applies to non-christians too, but i dont want to be forced into watching the film. its like, it shouldnt be mandatory..

oh well, after all that, i guess i have nothing much to say anymore..

im stumbling into the next stage of my life, and im hoping that i can pick up the pace again..

*round and round the mulberry bush..*

in other news.. went to subway for lunch today. it was the subway at the subway, specifically, the subway at city hall interchange. i had a 1-foot meatball sandwich, with parmeasan oregano (how do u spell those words??) bread.

2 words: I LIKE

heh heh..


been stoning the whole out of things to say already yar?

will update ya'll as i go along..

~ stumbles off *no, im not drunk..* ~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 10:43 PM

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

heyy..havent been in here for a i said in my tag, i've not been able to get on the comp much..therefore, i havent been able to blog as often as i would have liked to. its good and bad..the good is that im able to watch my eyesight, since i usually stay on the comp for extended periods when i do get on the comp..the bad is that i cant remember stuff that i had wanted to add..

still there's one thing i wont forget yar? and that is..

CONGRATULATIONS EUD!! this girl ah..she got 87% for EL prelims!! just amazing..i dont know anyone else who's capable of such english grades yar? to put things in perspective: top in EL at acs is 86%, and that's AFTER moderation..

for ur tremendous achievement, i promise u a treat. what treat? you'll have to wait and see.. *grins*

to tell u the truth, that was the crux of today's entry, mainly because i cant remember anything else of what happened in the past few days..

tml's the release of prelim results..needless to say, im panicked abt combined humanities, physics and chemistry. because of these subjects, my L1R5 can vary from 8 points to 18 points..

anything is possible..

or so im told..or have been told..or was told..or is going to be told (?)

~ gg ~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 10:26 PM

heyy..havent been in here for a i said in my tag, i've not been able to get on the comp much..therefore, i havent been able to blog as often as i would have liked to. its good and bad..the good is that im able to watch my eyesight, since i usually stay on the comp for extended periods when i do get on the comp..the bad is that i cant remember stuff that i had wanted to add..

still there's one thing i wont forget yar? and that is..

CONGRATULATIONS EUD!! this girl ah..she got 87% for EL prelims!! just amazing..i dont know anyone else who's capable of such english grades yar? to put things in perspective: top in EL at acs is 86%, and that's AFTER moderation..

for ur tremendous achievement, i promise u a treat. what treat? you'll have to wait and see.. *grins*

to tell u the truth, that was the crux of today's entry, mainly because i cant remember anything else of what happened in the past few days..

tml's the release of prelim results..needless to say, im panicked abt combined humanities, physics and chemistry. because of these subjects, my L1R5 can vary from 8 points to 18 points..

anything is possible..

or so im told..or have been told..or was told..or is going to be told (?)

~ gg ~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 10:26 PM

Friday, October 01, 2004

hey everyone..realised i havent been in here for a while already..been kinda bz for the past few days..since wednesday in's been the only slightly restful day for a while..

anyway, the day-to-day energy requirements demanded by my body started on up early in order to get to rennick's at 9 to prepare for our supposed performance on seniors' nite. in end we didnt do much..couldnt get any songs done. then came our class party at simon's place. sure, it was fun..we had wanted to pratise, but rennick didnt turn up, and the elec guitar wouldnt work wif the keyboard as amp..

still, all was not lost on wednesday..the choir sec 4s treated ms ng to lunch at kuishin bo! yes, its tt restaurant who's stupid advert is "dom dom dom..1 2 3..we are, kuishin bo.." lousy advert aside, the food was great. sure, the lunch buffet was $22 pax, but seriously, it was damn good..if u have the chance, go there and chow yeah? the food is realli realli realli me..we were there eating for 2 hours straight..

"for more product information, please visit yi jun's blog..he can be found in the links section, just down the aisle on your right.."

thursday..honours day. dressed up in long sleeve shirt and dress pants (i never understood the expression..i mean, dress pants? they're kinda different arent they??) just to go on stage for 6s and receive an envelope with a cert in it. the cert was printed on thick, yellow assuming its to make it look sophisticated, like parchment..who're they trying to kid? i mean, does the school need to budget so much that they cant afford a few hundred sheets of higher-than-80gsm white paper?! (in case havent caught on by now, white paper is more expensive - they have to bleach it white..)

and seniors' nite was in the was fun lah. the whole evening was full of song and dance and people making merry..the factory of happiness, as it were. we cancelled our class item..we were totally and completely unprepared to perform. in fact, the only thing we were prepared to do was screw up. all was well, no one minded not performing, and we just had fun. then han kok peng comes along and fucks around, bugging us to perform.


so the emcees annouced us, but we couldnt go on stage. why did they announce us? well, hkp and rennick decided that we could all perform, and by then we seriously COULD NOT GIVE A FUCK about whatever the fuck happened, so we just agreed. as it turned out, rennick didnt bring lyrics for the song..tim couldnt get his guitar chords, i couldnt get my words, mong couldnt get his drumbeat. FUCK IT ALL.

and this morning, han kok peng asks the class why we didnt perform. she then proceeds to lecture the class on why it is important to do stuff we're supposed to do, "by hook or by crook". U DONT DO A DAMN PERFORMANCE BY HOOK OR BY CROOK!! U DO IT WELL, OR U DONT DO IT AT ALL!! WE TELL HER, WE WANTED TO DO IT WELL, OR NOT DO IT AT ALL, BUT NOOO, SHE COMPLETELY TURNS IT AROUND AND SAYS THAT IT WAS OUR RESPONSIBILITY. THEN SHE GIVES US THE LOOK OF COMPLETE AND UTTER DISAPPOINTMENT. WELL GO AHEAD AND BE DISAPPOINTED!! SEE IF WE FUCKING CARE!!





Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 9:25 PM




Cheryl Lee
Hao Guang
Qian Jin
Chye Keong
Yi Jun
Liang Lin
Cheng Wei
Yan Shao
Ying Xiang
Wei Jie
Wee Shian
Wei Zhi
Hwee Ming


adapted from: ariana