Thursday, October 14, 2004

hey everone..would have blogged yesterday, but i got sick yesterday..

still sick btw..flu..dunno whether got fever or not..


yesterday was seniors' farewell moving..its like, 4 years in acs(i) passed so quickly. so many memories, both good and bad, and i'll cherish all of them..

before the service started, you could see so many of the sec 4s in the sac, makaning all of the foods that we'd seldom be able to eat again..anything from xiao ji to dope to laksa..we were all so bored of the foods already, but the thought of not coming down to the sac (both in the mornings and at recesses) to eat all these foods..lets jus say that its a powerful motivation, both for me and everyone else yar? i'll miss the stall aunties and uncles too..they're all so nice, even the dope auntie who overcharges all the time..i'll never forget auntie meng kiao, the auntie and uncle from stall 3 and the 3 aunties from stall 7..

the chapel service itself was was the most meaningful chapel service i've ever sat thru.."true friendships" was the topic, and i cant think of a more fitting subject to talk about. i spent the day thinking of the future lor..true much to think abt..we did a compo abt it once..what would we all be like 10, 20 years down the road? deep thoughts man..

oh yeah, the teacher's quotes were amazing..they were funny, inspiring and moving all at the same time..almost all of them came with a fond memory that will remain with me for years to come. my favourite was see teck hock's: if the pain doesnt kill you, it'll make u stronger. i remember the first time he said that to my was at the beginning of last year if im not wrong..when i still thought that the o levels were far away and not so much of a worry..

clarence's speech to the school was so meaningful too..he highlighted all of his fondest memories from sec 1 all the way to sec 4..i dunno abt u, but im sure that it touched so many of the sec 4 population..all of guys have been thru so much since graduating from primary school..

Sec 1:
1.7 philemon..the most cocked-up class in the level..i had all the troublemakers in the same class with me..rahulnath, jagathis, rahul mohan, arvind kumar..they all made fun of poor thow lor..THOW SONG!! and THOW PARADE!! man..those were the days..we were young, carefree, more-or-less innocent..pants up to our bellybuttons and socks almost up to our knees..

Sec 2:
i was in 2.11 asher for the first 2 weeks of school, up to the point when we came back from desaru. for many of us, desaru was the first time we'd been out the country without our parents, and i was no exception. made so many friends in those first 2 weeks..was kinda sad when i had to transfer to 2.1 reuben cos the indonesian scholars had arrived at acs. then again, it wasnt so bad..had realli great times at 2.1 too..making fun of mahathir..cyber-ac sessions with ryan, jon and guo quan..not to mention making fun of fiona ho the whole way. i remember one lit lesson, we were all so rowdy she asked us "class! if u dont want to do lit, what do u want to do??" the whole class yelled "SEX!!" and to our surprise, she immediately proceeded to draw a mindmap on sex on the board..surely an unforgettable lesson *winks*

Sec 3:
3.11 elisha..gary pek as class the guys a bloody slacker lor..not a single bit of social studies was done or taught until the few weeks before the exams. and not to mention our trip to lijiang and to know everyone in the class realli well on that trip..every night we'd cram into malcolm's hotel room and we'd watch tv and eat cup noodles, talk cock and play tai tee till the wee hours of the morning. 3.11 was also my first encounter with see teck hock..i can realli safely say that he's one of the best teacher's a ever had..all credit for my bio results goes to him lor..not to mention lessons from his life's experiences..insights on life given to us from him..despite being one of the hardest teachers in the school, all of us in the class knew that he's also got a heart of gold..
and by now, all of our pants had reached the hips, and our socks had somehow disappeared into our shoes..

Sec 4:
4.11 stephen..see teck hock for class teacher!! yay!! the beginning of the year was when he imparted to us that most inspiring quote at the beginning of this entry. the days in sec 4 were numbered, but we enjoyed every single minute of it. all of the ups, all of the downs..i may not have cherished them then, but i cherish them now..all the fond memories will be with me for the rest of my life..

to the FoS Clan, the choir committee, the ncc committee..despite any disagreements we might have had (especially in ncc), i count u guys among my closest circle of friends. im realli gonna miss you guys..must meet up even if we're not in the same jc yar? and the choir xco, must get together to perfom if we can!!

to my juniors in choir, for whom it has been a pleasure to serve as ur vice-prez and mentor..i'll miss u guys too! i'll definitely come back to see u guys yar? though if u dont want to see me i'll understand *lolz*

to all of my teachers through all my 4 years in acs..thank you so much for all ur guidance and teachings through this chapter of my life. i may not have argreed with everything u might have suggested and wanted, i still count u pple as some of the key figures in the shaping of my person, the molding of my character..i cant thank all of you enough..

"life is a road that i wanna keep going, love is a river i wanna keep flowing on.."

"starting out on a journey.."


good luck for everything that u do matter what happens, give ur best in all that you do!!

to quote the hallelu institution that has given me both ups and downs in my life, and made me decide that i want a secular jc..

~ The ACS Anthem ~
in days of yore from western shores
oldham, dauntless hero, came
and planted a beacon of truth and light
in this island of the main
here may it stand from year to year
emblem of grand endeavor
the regions round echo the sound
of ACS forever
sing ACS forever more, our acs forever
God saved our land and heaven bless
our ACS forever
our students hail from china's plains
and the land of rising sun
we have many sons from india's strand
and the islands of the main
our hearts, our hopes, our aims, are one
no discord e're will sever
we'll stand together for the cause
of ACS forever
sing ACS forever more, our acs forever
God saved our land and heaven bless
our ACS forever

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 4:11 PM




Cheryl Lee
Hao Guang
Qian Jin
Chye Keong
Yi Jun
Liang Lin
Cheng Wei
Yan Shao
Ying Xiang
Wei Jie
Wee Shian
Wei Zhi
Hwee Ming


adapted from: ariana