Wednesday, October 06, 2004

the answer to the above question(s): MUG.

prelim results were released today..first thing in the morning, can u believe that?

anyway, i scored well for 3 subs, did ok for the rest except chem, for which i obtained a 54%. i gotta go for intensive study camp for 2 subs! chem and fun right? and worst part was, i fit the criteria for chem like a hand fits into a tight glove: by 1%

1 percent! 1 measly percent! and if ur wondering why im not using the percentage sign, its cos im lazy to press both shift and 5 at the same time.

so im caught between emotions: happy and proud of my A1s in english, lit and bio, sad that i didnt do better, and relieved that i didnt do worse.

i gotta agree, im weird..

anyway, my marks are below. hurl rotten eggs at me, laugh at me, chide me, i dont realli care at the moment. all i wanna do is to do better in Os..they're the last chance i got..

EL: 81%
Lit: 77%
Bio: 89%
-those were the ones im proud come the lesser results..
E Math: 60%
Phy: 66%
Chem: 54%
Combined H: 63%
(all the marks are after moderation btw..)

so, i managed to garner a L1R5 of 14 points after moderation. i dont even want to know what it was before moderation.

the problem wif my L1R5 is that it presents to me a very interesting challenge: the challenge of choosing a jc for the provisional admission. its like, 14 is right in the middle of many jc's requirements, so im kinda stuck.

based on my choices, i have made the following decision:
1st choice: NJC
2nd choice: ACJC

choosing wasnt tough, even though my score isnt good enuf for njc (extremely slim chances of getting in, but chances none the less), and i can very easily make it into acjc.

why dont i go acjc then?

tts a good qn, and i have a good ans too..

its too..hallelu (or overbearing with regards to religion) (no offense to christianity)

its like, i dont want to go to a jc where they try to convert u every step of the way. 4 years in acs is enough of hallelu-ness, especially for a free-thinker like me. granted, the morning devotions, chapels, services..they're good and all, but i guess i just dont think its fair to those who are non-christian. just today, we had a screening of some christian film after the results were released. i sat through an hour and a half of some show featuring a cop, his kids, and a gang. every 10 mins, the show was interrupted by some music video of some christian song, with the themes of the videos having nothing to do wif the show. granted, i understood its meaning, and acknowledge that it applies to non-christians too, but i dont want to be forced into watching the film. its like, it shouldnt be mandatory..

oh well, after all that, i guess i have nothing much to say anymore..

im stumbling into the next stage of my life, and im hoping that i can pick up the pace again..

*round and round the mulberry bush..*

in other news.. went to subway for lunch today. it was the subway at the subway, specifically, the subway at city hall interchange. i had a 1-foot meatball sandwich, with parmeasan oregano (how do u spell those words??) bread.

2 words: I LIKE

heh heh..


been stoning the whole out of things to say already yar?

will update ya'll as i go along..

~ stumbles off *no, im not drunk..* ~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 10:43 PM




Cheryl Lee
Hao Guang
Qian Jin
Chye Keong
Yi Jun
Liang Lin
Cheng Wei
Yan Shao
Ying Xiang
Wei Jie
Wee Shian
Wei Zhi
Hwee Ming


adapted from: ariana