Saturday, September 10, 2005

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have a nice day!

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 2:22 PM

Friday, September 09, 2005

Take Free Advanced Global Personality Test
personality tests by

Stability results were moderately high which suggests you are relaxed, calm, secure, and optimistic.

Orderliness results were moderately low which suggests you are, at times, overly flexible, improvised, and fun seeking at the expense of reliability, work ethic, and long term accomplishment.

Extraversion results were moderately high which suggests you are, at times, overly talkative, outgoing, sociable and interacting at the expense of developing your own individual interests and internally based identity.

trait snapshot:
rarely irritated, positive, tough, non phobic, fearless, likes the unknown, self reliant, high self control, confident, trusting, strong instincts, prudent, optimistic, willful, likes parties, prefers a specialized career, takes charge, altruistic, strong, high self concept, adventurous, practical, thoughtful

koped this from hao's blog (anyone find that i kope stuff from hao's blog a lot?)
but its quite amazing how these tests seem to be mostly accurate..u guys take a look and decide for urselves..personally i think its quite true, but i think im the worst judge of myself.

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 10:32 AM

Thursday, September 08, 2005

koped this off hao's blog, who koped it off shermin's blog..

things you can't live without
something important on your desk: handphone
when you sleep, you wear: t-shirt, shorts, underwear (not necessarily in that order, but all together)
if you could afford it at the moment, you would buy: desk, shelves, and anything that i'd like to add to my room. and oh yes, a clock.
something you don't have a lot of: its a close contest between time and sleep
if your house was burning and you could save only 3 items what would they be: handphone, spectacles, my box of stuff

if there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to: isnt addiction itself a side-effect?
a time when you purposely hurt someone emotionally: none that i recall..
a time when you accidentally hurt someone emotionally: its happened before..i've learnt to be more careful abt what i say, cos of my (in)famous double meanings
one person you have killed in your thoughts: i dont think i've been angry/hurt/emotional enough to do this. but by the same token, im sure it's happened..

three traits you look for in a friend: trust. (i know the question said three things, but i think this is the most important, and it's inherent in lots of things)
who makes you laugh most often: FoS, TTBB, Arts Faculty, Choir pple (not in any order, and overlaps abound)
a friend who you can tell anything: there're a few people who make this list..
a friend you can go to for advide: see above answer..
two closest friends: this is a toughie..there're a few people who make this list..
the friend who uses most of your energy: prashanth. he talks a lot mahh..

your 3 best qualities: easygoing, trustworthy, generous (im crapping here..not really sure what to put down)
your 3 worst qualities: (according to others) i wear my heart on my sleeve. easygoing. speak too often in double entendres.
describe your Ideal self: im afraid i dont understand this qn..but if i were to hazard a guess, well, you could think of it as fixing those 3 worst qualities then.
you are embarrassed when: im not sure really..somehow i always end up laughing it off. but i'd say when im clumsy or when i say something completely incongruous accidentally.
the greatest physical pain you ever endured: sec 1 ncc camp. when i was neither physically nor mentally prepared for hundreds of pushups.
the greatest emotional pain you ever endured: suffice to say that it happens in the family.
moment you are most ashamed of: there're some.
your best physical feature: my eyes, even though they're a little small.
who/what makes you happy: -grins-

emotion you hide most: sadness or hurt. its a close contest.
the emotion you're feeling most lately: let's just say that i've been fluctuating on both ends of the spectrum, for different reasons. unrelated reasons, i can assure you.
you have a huge amount of guilt regarding: the negative things in the previous answer.
when you are angry you need: someone to talk to, who wont mind me venting.
when you are sentimental you need: either to be alone or someone to talk to..depends on what im sentimental over, and to what extent.
when you are in love you need: the person i love. (does that make sense?)

one of your most peaceful memories: any time when im just relaxing (in every sense of the word). doesnt happen often, mind you, so im not cheating =p
one of your most tragic memories: my primary school teacher's passing away.
one of your angriest memories: this is a tough one..i tend to forget my anger. but it happens more at home i think..
a memory that makes you happy: all the little things i know i did right. (sorry to kope your answer word for word hao, but it does fit)
something someone can say or do that you find extremely attractive: smile. with the eyes. the kind of smile where you just connect.
something someone can say or do that you find unattractive: backstab.
a personality trait you find appealing: there're quite a few..but to name one (and that's what the qn asks)
your secret passion: design
what you enjoy most about being in a committed relationship: knowing someone's there for you. (a stab in the dark here..not sure what the qn wants)

do you have a bf/gf if yes who?: yes. some of you know, and some dont. i'll leave it at that.
what music do you have on when you have sex, or is it the tv?: what kind of qn is this?? first off, never had sex. second, who has sex with the damn tv on?!
favourite song to have sex to: never had sex. but if i were to hazard a guess, it'd depend on the mood, wouldnt it? =p
describe your perfect mate physically: a perfect mate shouldnt have to be described. but if u want an answer..nothing to extreme lah.
describe your perfect mate's personality: compliment each other.
favourite thing you'd like to see your perfect mate wear: who am i to say? she wears what she wants la..if she's not comfortable in it what's the point?
if you had more time alone you would: sleep,, isnt the point of alone time to do whatever u want to do?
if you had more patience you would: finished a lot of those little projects that i started on whims.
if you could change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be: my hair. i've been wanting to change it for years, but it refuses to listen to me.
if you had no commitments what would you be doing: anything i enjoy doing.
if you had one super power what would it be: to slow time. more than 24 hrs a day can be a good thing.
if you could start all over: what ever for?

it's been a long list,wouldnt you say?

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 1:08 PM

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

hey ya'll..guess i havent been in here for a few days. cant help it if there's nothing to write abt during the hols. if u look at it, all i've been doing is just sleeping, eating, reading, playing comp, surfing net, msn, (trying to) mug, not necessarily in that order.

i feel so lazy. but i just cant seem to find the motivation to study. every september holiday, this same thing happens. i dont get it, but some part of my mind just seems to disagree (very much) with the concept of mugging during the holidays. studying's alright (hence me reading thru lear and trying to get history case studies online) but mugging? that's just a little extreme now..

speaking of mugging, i've decided that there's a fine line between mugging and studying hard. u see, mugging to me is an individual's act of studying hard. it's exactly as its definition implies - its for the individual. muggers dont share their notes, they dont help their friends with their studies. someone who studies hard, on the other hand, is willing to help others. studying hard can occur alone or in a group. a good student is one who's willing to help others learn. a mugger isnt.

blame dewei for the above..i decided that he's not a mugger, cos although he studies hard and like mad, he's still willing (and volunteers) to help his friends if they need help in their studies. bravo dewei!

so anyway, i've decided i wont use the terms "mug" and "mugger" loosely anymore, since my definitions of the terms have changed. of course, my previous uses of the terms connote none of these "new" meanings here, so no offense yar? =)

on to the subject of today's post: holiday update
*finally eh? ok who am i trying to kid, precious few people read this insignificant stream of bytes anyway..

anyway, hols so saturday, monday and tuesday i had lit lecture from 9am to 1230pm. all of the lectures were on king lear. quite a killer, wouldnt u say? on the bright side, we've made good progress as a class..we've officially finished act 2! haha quite an accomplishment really, considering the rate at which we move in class. cant blame us really..we arts pple like to discuss things =)

then today i watched kill bill volumes 1 and 2..its a very good story, and artistically its told very well too. but its bloody, well, bloody. heh. its violent, and its vulgar. but the most interesting bit is how its violence, gore and vulgarity supports the storyline. quentin tarantino is a genius.

ok la..that's abt all that im gonna say now. think u guys are bored already anyway.


Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 8:59 PM

Monday, September 05, 2005
Wow! A Sectioned Staff! This is a cool weapon! This
weapon suits you the best because you like to
make people see the deadiler side of you. Let's
say that 15 people were standing around you in
the same room as you, and you start swinging
this weapon around, they will be killed in less
than 5 seconds. Yeah, it's that powerful! You
can turn this weapon from a not-so-powerful
walking stick into your foes worst nightmare
just by pulling the sections of it. This weapon
also suits you because you are very emotional
(the staff changes its form like when your
emotions change.) And you can be also very
rageful. You are exactly like the weapon.

Which (exotic) weapon represents you the best?
brought to you by Quizilla

is that me??

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 1:34 AM

Friday, September 02, 2005

whee september mugging days are starting in 13mins..

im planning a study plan now. for those of ya'll who dunno, cj is pretty good at the planning of such things, but notoriously bad at actually following them. i dunno why, but when it comes to mugging, i just dont seem to be able to draw up the energy, motivation and willpower to pull through. i suffered from this in the prelims and Os..kinda explains my resutls really. i tell myself that i dont want to make the same mistakes again, but just how much can i change myself?

i really want to do well, not so much for myself, but more for the choir. i owe the choir a lot. if not for the choir, i wouldnt even be in this school. if not for the choir, i wouldnt have found such close friends and nj. and i wouldnt have met u.

of course it helps me too if i do well..but that's a given for any student, so i wont talk abt that..

coming back to my inability to keep up with my plan..
energy: got that. usually. coffee works for the times that i dont, though im trying to wean off it.
motivation: points to above words on choir. 'nuff said.
willpower: i think this is the one i lack the most, at least in academic terms. how can i change this? someone, anyone, help me! i dont think its something that's only gonna be needed now, but also in the future, and its better if i get it now than later.

why is it that i cant just sit down at my table for hours on end and do work? ok, granted i get some work done, but is the time used effectively? and do i really absorb what i've just studied? im a actually focused throughout my periods of study? and am i making full use of my time? i dont know how to answer these questions..maybe someone can help?

sorry if this entry's sounded like a desperate plea for help..i've had some of these questions running through my head at random times throughout the week now, but this is the first time that i've really consolidated all of them into something coherent. this entry's not a plea for help, but more of a realisation that i need help. and of course, a welcome to whoever decides that he/she has help to give.

T-12 and counting..

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 11:47 PM




Cheryl Lee
Hao Guang
Qian Jin
Chye Keong
Yi Jun
Liang Lin
Cheng Wei
Yan Shao
Ying Xiang
Wei Jie
Wee Shian
Wei Zhi
Hwee Ming


adapted from: ariana