Thursday, September 08, 2005

koped this off hao's blog, who koped it off shermin's blog..

things you can't live without
something important on your desk: handphone
when you sleep, you wear: t-shirt, shorts, underwear (not necessarily in that order, but all together)
if you could afford it at the moment, you would buy: desk, shelves, and anything that i'd like to add to my room. and oh yes, a clock.
something you don't have a lot of: its a close contest between time and sleep
if your house was burning and you could save only 3 items what would they be: handphone, spectacles, my box of stuff

if there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to: isnt addiction itself a side-effect?
a time when you purposely hurt someone emotionally: none that i recall..
a time when you accidentally hurt someone emotionally: its happened before..i've learnt to be more careful abt what i say, cos of my (in)famous double meanings
one person you have killed in your thoughts: i dont think i've been angry/hurt/emotional enough to do this. but by the same token, im sure it's happened..

three traits you look for in a friend: trust. (i know the question said three things, but i think this is the most important, and it's inherent in lots of things)
who makes you laugh most often: FoS, TTBB, Arts Faculty, Choir pple (not in any order, and overlaps abound)
a friend who you can tell anything: there're a few people who make this list..
a friend you can go to for advide: see above answer..
two closest friends: this is a toughie..there're a few people who make this list..
the friend who uses most of your energy: prashanth. he talks a lot mahh..

your 3 best qualities: easygoing, trustworthy, generous (im crapping here..not really sure what to put down)
your 3 worst qualities: (according to others) i wear my heart on my sleeve. easygoing. speak too often in double entendres.
describe your Ideal self: im afraid i dont understand this qn..but if i were to hazard a guess, well, you could think of it as fixing those 3 worst qualities then.
you are embarrassed when: im not sure really..somehow i always end up laughing it off. but i'd say when im clumsy or when i say something completely incongruous accidentally.
the greatest physical pain you ever endured: sec 1 ncc camp. when i was neither physically nor mentally prepared for hundreds of pushups.
the greatest emotional pain you ever endured: suffice to say that it happens in the family.
moment you are most ashamed of: there're some.
your best physical feature: my eyes, even though they're a little small.
who/what makes you happy: -grins-

emotion you hide most: sadness or hurt. its a close contest.
the emotion you're feeling most lately: let's just say that i've been fluctuating on both ends of the spectrum, for different reasons. unrelated reasons, i can assure you.
you have a huge amount of guilt regarding: the negative things in the previous answer.
when you are angry you need: someone to talk to, who wont mind me venting.
when you are sentimental you need: either to be alone or someone to talk to..depends on what im sentimental over, and to what extent.
when you are in love you need: the person i love. (does that make sense?)

one of your most peaceful memories: any time when im just relaxing (in every sense of the word). doesnt happen often, mind you, so im not cheating =p
one of your most tragic memories: my primary school teacher's passing away.
one of your angriest memories: this is a tough one..i tend to forget my anger. but it happens more at home i think..
a memory that makes you happy: all the little things i know i did right. (sorry to kope your answer word for word hao, but it does fit)
something someone can say or do that you find extremely attractive: smile. with the eyes. the kind of smile where you just connect.
something someone can say or do that you find unattractive: backstab.
a personality trait you find appealing: there're quite a few..but to name one (and that's what the qn asks)
your secret passion: design
what you enjoy most about being in a committed relationship: knowing someone's there for you. (a stab in the dark here..not sure what the qn wants)

do you have a bf/gf if yes who?: yes. some of you know, and some dont. i'll leave it at that.
what music do you have on when you have sex, or is it the tv?: what kind of qn is this?? first off, never had sex. second, who has sex with the damn tv on?!
favourite song to have sex to: never had sex. but if i were to hazard a guess, it'd depend on the mood, wouldnt it? =p
describe your perfect mate physically: a perfect mate shouldnt have to be described. but if u want an answer..nothing to extreme lah.
describe your perfect mate's personality: compliment each other.
favourite thing you'd like to see your perfect mate wear: who am i to say? she wears what she wants la..if she's not comfortable in it what's the point?
if you had more time alone you would: sleep,, isnt the point of alone time to do whatever u want to do?
if you had more patience you would: finished a lot of those little projects that i started on whims.
if you could change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be: my hair. i've been wanting to change it for years, but it refuses to listen to me.
if you had no commitments what would you be doing: anything i enjoy doing.
if you had one super power what would it be: to slow time. more than 24 hrs a day can be a good thing.
if you could start all over: what ever for?

it's been a long list,wouldnt you say?

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 1:08 PM




Cheryl Lee
Hao Guang
Qian Jin
Chye Keong
Yi Jun
Liang Lin
Cheng Wei
Yan Shao
Ying Xiang
Wei Jie
Wee Shian
Wei Zhi
Hwee Ming


adapted from: ariana