Wednesday, August 31, 2005

the verdict is out:

it is not fun when alternate ends of your body take turns in deciding to spew stuff out.

sorry ttbb..

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 8:33 AM

on a lighter note..

You scored as Harry Potter. You can be a little reckless and hot-headed at times, but a more brave and courageous friend would be hard to find.

Harry Potter


Remus Lupin


Ron Weasley


Hermione Granger


Sirius Black


Ginny Weasley


Severus Snape


Albus Dumbledore


Draco Malfoy


Lord Voldemort


Your Harry Potter Alter Ego Is...?
created with

scary thought eh??

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 12:19 AM

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

lots of soul-searching to do.

about choir..about ttbb..about myself..about choir..

most importantly about the choir. and my role in it.

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 9:38 PM

hey typing this in the school I&E hub..heh, one of the few aircon places in school where u can do anything u want..

anyway, was doing a bit of thinking..

its that time of the year again. the time of the year i like to call the september mugging days (those who've read my blog sinceits humble beginnings will know). a week of pseudo-holidays where all u really do is mug, mug and mug. or at least, try to mug. promos starting in just under 4 weeks. such joy. but no time to really hunker down and mug until the end of this week..then i gotta go all out. i dun care lor, this year must really push..didnt push hard enough for prelims and Os, this time im not gonna make the same mistake again this year. too much rests on the results of this exam. bloody exams..

i know, some of ya'll are thinking "is this cheejun? am i at the wrong blog?" heh..yes, cheej is actually advocating (cool aliteration!) mugging. i dunno if its the nj atmosphere, or that i've gotten at least some measure of prioritisation in my life, but i gotta do well. its jc life..its building up to the As. its freaking important. and if slacker cheej thinks its important..well, its got to count for something right?

im faced with a little problem though..
Lit: too much to mug..
History: too much to mug, and dunno how to mug..not even sure if i have the necessary skills for doing the essays..
Econs: lousy tutor. 'nuff said.

on the bright side, i only need 2 A passes and 1 a/o..assuming its lit, history and gp respectively, i should be ok. but lets not get complacent..i think i did that a little with bio, so i ended up getting b3 for Os. musnt make that mistake again..

-deep thoughts on a cold, rainy day..-

on a lighter note, september's almost here! if i can forget abt the promos, there's actually some things to look forward to..although the september mugging days are, well, mugging days, they also equal a whole week of not needing to wake up at 6.05am to go to school. not to mention certain occasion(s) that occur during september =) its horribly close to the exams, but i think im entitled to take at least 1 day off to relax right? heh..i hope so anyway..

to digress a little..the pandan cake is the pandan cake no more! he's a vegetarian cake now. go figure :P

i dont know what's happening to me..i guess u could say its the end of term and im getting tired (or is it that im tired already?) people are telling me that i look more and more tired in school these days. especially after the fiasco of a full-dress rehearsal yesterday. but as i said, im looking forward to being able to wake up late for once, to pay off at least some of my sleep debt. hopefully, i'll come out of the 1-week "break" looking and feeling somewhat human. maybe my innards will put themselves back in order.

realised that i've typed a lot. much more than my typical entries these days..i wonder why's that. perhaps its that air of finality that comes with the end of a term, and the promise of more work thereafter. its hard to say exactly what's going on inside me now, seeing as how im not too sure myself. but i hope that this..confusion (?) doesnt spill over to the people around me. people that i care abt.

to you: sorry i didnt tell you all these..but i find that its easier (and clearer) in this case to sort things out in words..i hope u dun mind =)

cheerio guys..lets get out of this stressful period in one piece..

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 11:50 AM

Saturday, August 27, 2005

just came back from the spook show '05 by some community baptist church (cant remember the church name, and i dun have the ticket anymore)

what i had thought was just a magic show turned out to be an "illustrated sermon". it started out like any other magic show, but with a rather interesting occult theme of sorts, before ending with a sermon and asking pple to become christians. not so directly, mind u, but how i just said it takes up fewer words.

i gotta admit, it was quite an experience, sitting in a convention hall full of pple, all repeating after the pastor in prayer. very moving, very heartwarming. something i think acs has tried to do for years on end but never succeeded.

but personally its gotten a little more confusing for me. not completely literally of course, im not confused in the most specific sense of the word, but after being influenced by 3 religions, im not sure at all. i know ultimately its a choice. but have i made that choice subconsciously? how do i know if i've made that choice? and how do i know what choice i've made?

questions that i've been grappling with since sec 1, and as u can see i still havent found an answer to any of them..about the only clear cut thing is that i believe in God. beyond that, im lost.

lost sheep? maybe..

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 6:35 PM

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Cybernetic Humanoid Engineered for Efficient Judo and Ultimate Nullification


ok i think im done now..


Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 6:33 PM

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

what's wrong with me..

for some strange reason, i find myself getting more and more tired each day. it doesnt help that i wake up almost every morning feeling like my innards have all been rearranged overnight. doesnt help that my throat suddenly got much worse today.

lucky i have someone to turn to, someone to talk to, someone to vent to, someone to hug, someone with i can just be me. thanks =)

gonna sleep soon..think i need it..

nite all..


Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 11:23 PM

Saturday, August 20, 2005

njc colours ceremony yesterday..would've blogged abt it yesterday itself, but was too tired to come online, heh..

in any case, i will refrain from commenting on the organising of the whole thing. suffice to say they made poor cheryl stay back until past 11. on hindsight i shldve stayed back. next time its my turn. i insist.

on the lighter side of things..

choir and ttbb performed! haha we did pretty well i think..everything pretty much flowed, tho i almost ended up singing the bass part for cantemus cos i slipped up. heh. ttbb did well too! we were focused, and we came in on pitch! learnt quite a bit from this of the lessons even involved me personally..

note to self: always make sure the mic is on.

u see, when i took the mic from louis, i accidentally (though i didnt realise it at that time) turned it off. so none of my VP (except the crash cymbals) came through. how glorifying..can imagine pple in the hall seeing me hold the mic differently but hearing none of the sound.

-sheepish grin-

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 11:26 PM

Thursday, August 18, 2005

so im supposed to keep my trap shut just to keep out of everyone's hair?

i should, to quote her, "shut up", jus cos she wasnt talking to me? when what i said was probably better for everyone in the long run? keeps things cordial?

i'd rather she be angry with me than to have a perpetually hostile situation in the house.

but even then, this sucks..

i guess i have to be reminded why i like to stay out of the house..

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 9:47 PM

Sunday, August 14, 2005

You scored as Jean Grey. Jean Grey is likely the most powerful X-Man. She loves Cyclops very much but she has a soft spot for Wolverine. She's psychic so she can sense how others are feeling and tries to help them. She also has to control her amazing powers or the malevolent Phoenix entity could take control of her and wreak havok. Powers: Telekinetic, Telepathic

Jean Grey






Emma Frost
















Most Comprehensive X-Men Personality Quiz 2.0
created with

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 10:02 PM

Friday, August 12, 2005

on the random front..

let be know henceforth that whales have sex just like any other mammals. with the exception of doing it well in water, that is. the swim, the get close to each other, and they perform the rituals of lurve.

common (mis)conception of whale sex:
male whale flushes sperm into water.
female whale swims thru sperm cloud, hoping that something happens.

a certain someone asked, "how does the whale swim backward to get the sperm into the right hole?", to which i stupidly replied, "how do u know the right hole is at the tail end of the whale?"

as u can see, whale sex is not one of my strong points.

on the not-so-random front..

im really beginning to dislike the administration in school. note that i said administration in school and not school administration. i cant help it, but the way everything in school seems to happen without advance notice is seriously getting on my nerves. for the past few weeks, we have about half the choir in attendance on wednesdays, and its nobody's fault. u see, everyone who is absent has a valid excuse. and the thing is, 90% of all these excuses have to do with last minute arrangements by some administration somewhere in school.

the worst thing about all this is that i cant do anything about it. the reasons are valid, and they override choir. so today we tried to work our schedules around the problem. a problem that shouldnt have been there in the first place. cant do anything but wait and see hoping that in future i'll have to go thru fewer of "stress-days" such as today. cos if "stress-days" such as today occur on a regular basis, i'm gonna end the year with a headful of white hair. not something i want..i have enough white hair as it is already..

heh i dont think i have any right to vent like this not the only one going thru stress now, and im absolutely certain that im not the most stressed out. jia you to everyone in the choir comm! the road looks set to be tough and bumpy, but we'll pull thru =D

k la..enuf crap for one night..


Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 10:29 PM

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

creativity with a format. quite fitting really, once u realise that its pw that im talking about.

forced creativity. that's what pw is. on one hand, they tell u to be as creative as u can in thinking up projects. on the other hand, there's a catch: the projects u think up must fit into 1 of 2 project tasks. creativity with a focus. how ironic. brainstorming with the end in mind. personally, i find it self-defeating.

which brings me back to my first point: creativity with a format. there isnt a more succint way to express it.

pw tutors say to students:
let loose all your creative juices! u can think of any project u want! brainstorm! the possibilities are limitless! but do keep in mind that u have to hand in your PI by so-and-so-date, your GPP by so-and-so-date, your group file by so-and-so-date..

creativity, not just with a format, but with a bloody time-frame too.

look at it this way:
how is it possible to be truly creative, to truly brainstorm and think of any project you like, no matter how radical or provocative or stupid, if u have deadlines and formats and grades breathing down your neck? the moe calls it holistic education.

i call it a farce.

there's a damn reason why no one likes pw. and the reason is pw itself, and everything that it stands for.

go figure.

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 11:53 PM

~*~Result nr 1~*~

Your power is: Clairvoyance

Explanation: Your power is that you can
look into the future and see what is coming.
How far and long you can look is all depending
on your skill level. This can, as all powers,
be used in both evil and good. Even if it may
seem like a boring ability it is a huge
responsibility for the carrier, becase they are
constantly tempted with doing the wrongs deeds
(e.g. cheat on a test). It takes high morals to
not be brought down with it.

Therefor you fit with this power quite well.
You take responsibility and do what is the
right thing to do. This does not make you a
saint, since you're only human after all. But
it makes a trustworthy person and you are loyal
to camrades and/or team mates. In school you
were probably a good student. If you were
social varies from person to person, but most
clairvoyant people tend to prefer their own
company or that of close friends and family.
That is because you are wise and knows how to
treasure the reliable in your life, since you
know popularity can be a false element. You are
also not that big on taking risks and prefer
what is already explored. That is because you
don't like suprises, they can turn out bad and
then you won't be in control.
Negative aspects: Since you're always
doing the right thing and being trustworthy all
the time you can become frustrated. Also, all
that you carry on your shoulders may stress you
out. You need to relax to be in good mental

What Power is Compatible With You? [beautiful anime pictures + 12 detailed results]
brought to you by Quizilla

True punk. You rock. You realize that it's not what
music you listen to, or what clothes you wear,
it's your attitude. You my friend, truly don't
give a fuck.
It's people like you who made punk what it was.
Simply put, you kick ass

Are You A True Punk Or A True Poseur? (Updated, better than the 1st for all of you hate mail senders)
brought to you by Quizilla

Your Outrageous Name Is
Hugh Jass
Outrageous Name Generator

Your Summer Ride is a Jeep

For you, summer is all about having no responsibilities.
You prefer to hang with old friends - and make some new ones.
What's Your Summer Ride?

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 12:36 AM

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

heyy pple..haha would have updated yesterday, but my lousy comp died on me again. i've reformatted the lousy thing 5 times in the last 2 months..everytime it dies, i have to waste time fixing it cos no one else in the house can be bothered to. and when i take my time with it, pple complain cos they have no comp to use. bloody.

but enough of all that. yesterday was a happy day! haha went to watch charlie and the chocolate factory..can u believe that i've never read the book before? im such a deprived kid..shall go borrow it, wahaha. still, the show was good..very typical of dahl, in the sense that it appealed to kids while still touching on adult themes. i loved the way the show dealth with willy wonka's background..seemed quite ingenious and, somehow, real to me. shant say anything abt whether it stayed true to the book in no position to judge that..


'nuff said..

oh yes, went for xiangting's recital in the evening! haha great job xiang! sad to say, few of the other students were comparable to u..u rock!

k la..that's abt all now..sleepy liao..zzzzz..


Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 12:20 AM

Saturday, August 06, 2005

whee! ttbb performed at the ucc today..had a great time, good exposure..if nothing else we learnt that we need to work on singing to noisy audiences, haha..

haha first off, good job to ttbb! haha even though we had a few moments when we were off etc, we pulled thru and i think we learnt quite a lot today..


**forgive the caps pls, but im reminding myself too, haha**

offhand that's all im writing now..having a sort of a mental block right now..bleh.


Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 9:43 PM

Thursday, August 04, 2005

hey everyone! go visit the TTBB webbie here!

haha talk abt shameless plugging huh?


Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 11:37 PM

Monday, August 01, 2005

here's a random quiz..

Your element is Fire: Strong, hot tempered,
powerful, and passionate. Well now lets see,
being fire you are quite strong and powerful,
people look up to you greatly and often seek
your protection. You have the ability to gain
many friends and you are always one people can
count on to do what you say you will do. You
are extremely loyal be it friends or family
you'll stick up for them and you are never
willing to put them in a position that could
hurt them. You know what roll you play in life,
leader, and you intend to let people know it.
Not everyone is capable of leadership but you
certainly have the willpower and flare to do
it. You have quite a temper if it shows itself,
one that can often lead you into trouble. Once
your mind is made up there is no changing it
but no one said that was a bad thing.

.:-What is your true element?-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers-
brought to you by Quizilla

is this really me? i for one find it quite interesting how certain online "tests" can be so accurate in matching one's self-assesment of onseself. yet, can it be really true? after all, there's still the question of whether one's perception of self is the true perception of one's self.

deep thoughts at the end of a long day, somehow linked intricately with the tradition of blog-quizzes. thanks to HG for bringing it up on his blog though, however indirectly..its quite a prudent thing to think abt..


Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 11:13 PM




Cheryl Lee
Hao Guang
Qian Jin
Chye Keong
Yi Jun
Liang Lin
Cheng Wei
Yan Shao
Ying Xiang
Wei Jie
Wee Shian
Wei Zhi
Hwee Ming


adapted from: ariana