Tuesday, August 30, 2005

hey typing this in the school I&E hub..heh, one of the few aircon places in school where u can do anything u want..

anyway, was doing a bit of thinking..

its that time of the year again. the time of the year i like to call the september mugging days (those who've read my blog sinceits humble beginnings will know). a week of pseudo-holidays where all u really do is mug, mug and mug. or at least, try to mug. promos starting in just under 4 weeks. such joy. but no time to really hunker down and mug until the end of this week..then i gotta go all out. i dun care lor, this year must really push..didnt push hard enough for prelims and Os, this time im not gonna make the same mistake again this year. too much rests on the results of this exam. bloody exams..

i know, some of ya'll are thinking "is this cheejun? am i at the wrong blog?" heh..yes, cheej is actually advocating (cool aliteration!) mugging. i dunno if its the nj atmosphere, or that i've gotten at least some measure of prioritisation in my life, but i gotta do well. its jc life..its building up to the As. its freaking important. and if slacker cheej thinks its important..well, its got to count for something right?

im faced with a little problem though..
Lit: too much to mug..
History: too much to mug, and dunno how to mug..not even sure if i have the necessary skills for doing the essays..
Econs: lousy tutor. 'nuff said.

on the bright side, i only need 2 A passes and 1 a/o..assuming its lit, history and gp respectively, i should be ok. but lets not get complacent..i think i did that a little with bio, so i ended up getting b3 for Os. musnt make that mistake again..

-deep thoughts on a cold, rainy day..-

on a lighter note, september's almost here! if i can forget abt the promos, there's actually some things to look forward to..although the september mugging days are, well, mugging days, they also equal a whole week of not needing to wake up at 6.05am to go to school. not to mention certain occasion(s) that occur during september =) its horribly close to the exams, but i think im entitled to take at least 1 day off to relax right? heh..i hope so anyway..

to digress a little..the pandan cake is the pandan cake no more! he's a vegetarian cake now. go figure :P

i dont know what's happening to me..i guess u could say its the end of term and im getting tired (or is it that im tired already?) people are telling me that i look more and more tired in school these days. especially after the fiasco of a full-dress rehearsal yesterday. but as i said, im looking forward to being able to wake up late for once, to pay off at least some of my sleep debt. hopefully, i'll come out of the 1-week "break" looking and feeling somewhat human. maybe my innards will put themselves back in order.

realised that i've typed a lot. much more than my typical entries these days..i wonder why's that. perhaps its that air of finality that comes with the end of a term, and the promise of more work thereafter. its hard to say exactly what's going on inside me now, seeing as how im not too sure myself. but i hope that this..confusion (?) doesnt spill over to the people around me. people that i care abt.

to you: sorry i didnt tell you all these..but i find that its easier (and clearer) in this case to sort things out in words..i hope u dun mind =)

cheerio guys..lets get out of this stressful period in one piece..

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 11:50 AM




Cheryl Lee
Hao Guang
Qian Jin
Chye Keong
Yi Jun
Liang Lin
Cheng Wei
Yan Shao
Ying Xiang
Wei Jie
Wee Shian
Wei Zhi
Hwee Ming


adapted from: ariana