Friday, November 26, 2004

due to popular demand, i have decided to release an update to the program known as "cheej & co."

it will feature the most up-to-date developments in the research for the software, as well as upgrade your program version to 2.34 from 2.33.

im not making sense here, am i??

alright, u guys know what's happened to me up till sunday right? so..i'll start on monday..
monday i went with eud and the rest of d3 (for more information, pls refer to the cast page on ixora05's blog..) to taka and wisma. we went shopping! well, more specifically, they went shopping, and i just tagged along. still, u cant blame me, can u? i cant help it if i havent seen my girl for a while, and i wanna go out with her. even if it means her friends tagging along. after that i went back to her house..just wanted to spend time with her yar? and her brother and sister too..they take me as their big bro realli flattered..then i had dinner there before coming home..
tuesday i went with eud and her mom to taka and wisma. we went shopping! well, more specifically, she and her mom went shopping and i just tagged along. eud had to buy all her stuff for prom (which, incidentally, is, NOW) so i decided to go along with her. after that i went back with her to her house..just wanted to spend time with her yar? and her brother and sister too..they take me as their big bro realli flattered..
wednesday i went to eud's place, spent the day there. lunch and dinner there.
*havent been so happy in ages*
so, after these 3 days, i have re-evaluated my job description. as of now, i am a full-time boyfriend, and part-time chaperone, porter and entertainer.
with the exception of full-time boyfriend, lemme 'splain..(im quite sure i dun need to explain the part abt full-time boyfriend..its a job i'd gladly work OT for yar?)
chaperone: eud's dad had apparently said that it was good that i was going out with eud and d3..i can look after them or least im good for something right?
porter: take it literally. 'nuff said.
entertainer: i gladly play with eud's brother and sister..they're still in primary school, and they take me to be their older brother. frankly, im very flattered that they do..its like, i dun think im very good an example of one, but u guys know me, i'll try. and they always ask me to do things like "wiggle ur ears!" and "do your donald duck!" so yeah, i think part-time entertainer is fitting as a job description..
thursday i spent the day at home..bored..ignored..'nuff said..dun wanna think abt it..
friday (today) i spent the day at home..bored..but not ignored as much as usual..and went to airport to pick my dad up.. came back home..ate dinner..blogged *actually blogging, but im not bothering to bother abt tense now..*
oh well..nothing more to say now..gonna watch shark tale pirated dvd at 8..mebbe i'll review it later..
file copy process: 82%
intallation process: 69%
file copy process: 99%
installation process: 94%
file copy process: 100%
editing registry values..
file copy process: 100%
editing registry values..done.
installation process: 100%
installation complete!
we hope that you are satisfied with our product!
for tech support, pls contact cheej via the tagboard, or email him at
have a nice day!

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 7:50 PM

Monday, November 22, 2004

whee yesterday was my grandma's bday and choir seniors' dinner 2004. its much easier if i speak of everything that happened in present tense, so here we go yar?

woke up at 730am today..sighs..had to get ready cos relatives were all coming to my place at 9 for my grandma's 81st (i think) birthday..u know, chinese "da shou" yar? tea ceremony and all..had it at my place cos, well, no one else wanted it..i know u should love ur relatives and all, but hey, they should contribute too..any event that happens, its always the same place: my house. my whole family's a little upset about it, but we cant do anything can we?
anyway, after the whole tea ceremony and all, we went to the crown prince hotel (the one opposite paragon) for the birthday lunch..some sichuan restaurant..didnt have much to eat many dishes with mushrooms..oh well, had good food later, so it didnt reali matter..
and i went pool with my cousins! im so damn many shots that i missed..simple shots too..what the hell man..damn balls wouldnt go into their holes..*grr*
after that i went lan with jeff and yijun..i tell u, havoc man. we were playing 3v3 with these other guys whom we met there..i think they were american/australian/european/caucasian (ang moh) chinese guys..most of the rounds we won, cos (not being hao lian or anything..) i was on the team, but the rounds that those guys won, they were like, "man, u guys reali suck.." and me being the smart-alec that i am, went to reply "yeah, i suck real hard.."
i tell u, yijun had a field day. heck, he will have a field life. he will never, i repeat, NEVER, let me live it down..
but it was all right..seniors' dinner was after the HARD ROCK CAFE!! w00t!! man, the food there rox..granted there were things that i refused to eat like grilled vegetables (mushrooms included) and the seafood in the seafood pasta, but man, stuff like the potato salad, the tomato rice, the fish and chips, the BBQ chicken..simple, good american food. if there's anything america's good for, its the food. the simple fare anyway, no fast food or anything like that..
the sec 3s were quite creative with their games item..sabo the sec 4s into doing karaoke..i mean, i wish i had thought of it yar? choir is about singing, and instead of jus doing a chamber item for them, they make the sec 4s sing. of course, they still had the chamber item, but that's tradition..
so yeah, my group had to do where is the love. at first we thought it was jus the chorus..that went reali well. then they asked us to rap, us being me, jeff and jon tang. so die lor. lol. chunky and yijun had to come up and save us with the rap thing..and we still died, but nevermind, it was still so much fun..
speaking of yijun, he had to do a solo, toxic!! and he did it with helium, which (incidentally), we were all pretty high on (heh heh). picture this in your mind: tan yi jun, a bass, no less, singing toxic in a chipmunk like voice that sooooo does not suit him. and he has to take breaths of helium in between lines too. priceless, i tell u, priceless..
more on yijun: he had balloons tied round his head! so did prashanth! its crazy..if i can get my card reader to work (it wont read my handphone's mmc card) i'll send it to whoever wants it yar?
its a whole mixture of emotions..happy, sad, regret (some things done, some things not done..) and of course, knowing that i'll miss the rehearsals, the chamber practices, the a sense i dont want to leave the choir, but by the same token, it is in that same sense that i will never leave the choir..
to all my juniors, who probably dont know of my blog, and will never hear of it (not if ivan has anything to do abt it, and no, im not hinting anything here..)..
dont ever let the choir spirit die yar? and if anything, never ever forget the friendships forged, the teamwork carried out, the performances (both good and bad), the fun..
always hold the choir close to your heart yar?
i know its a little presumptious of me, but rest assured, i'll hold the choir close to my heart too..
~united we stand, divided we fall~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 9:41 PM

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Seniors Nite was today(night)!

Details tomorrow though..very tired..was my grandma's birthday today, so had celebrations and all..was running around all over the place..

Anyway, to all my choir juniors:

Work Hard, Play Hard. There just isnt any point if u dont enjoy what ur doing.

United u stand, divided u fall. Cliched, i'd be the first to admit, but so true. Dont let the Choir Spirit falter yar?

More tomorrow..


Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 11:59 PM

Friday, November 19, 2004




never mind that paper 1 was a little anal..

never mind that paper 2 was simpler than expected..





more later if i can calm down..


Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 7:30 PM

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

the day dawned..

*were u expecting anything behind that?*

anyway, the day started out pretty painfully. geog was a tough paper..although i think i bullshitted quite enough to get by..combined humans grade is quite safely at least a b4 now..i hope..

then the KY Jelly came into play..thank god for lubricant!

i had spent 20 mins stoning outside the audi, worrying my sorry butt off that i'd die with the physics paper (u guys who know me will know my physics standard yar?) so yeah, after all that worrying, i went in for paper 1.

turns out that it was pretty ok, even though the answers were weird. its like, u can have 3 Cs and 4 Bs in a row! but i was pretty sure that the ans were alright, so i think i should be ok..

physics paper 2 is the cambridge equivalent of a godsend. much simpler than expected..for the first time, i think i may be able to wrangle an A in physics..

that is, IF and IF i hadnt read the paper wrongly, and thought everything was easy but it was in actual case hard and im actually in deep doo-doo.

oh well..shall look on the bright side, yes?

lamp's too bright..i think i'll take a snooze instead..

next paper on friday. chemistry.





oh well, its the last paper. who am i to complain?

~bye bye~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 6:59 PM

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

bio papers today..

somewhat screwed up..

ok here we go:

paper 1 was breezy..not a breeze, but breezy. there was a nice mix of qns..some were like "duH!" qns..and some were like, "huH??" qns. i screwed up the yoghurt qn..then again, that IS one of my worst chapters. still, i dun think i shld forgive myself for tt.

paper 2 was, in a word, weird. very weird. its like, ultimate decontextualisation for qn 1. and huge, important chapters were left out. nutrition, the nervous system, transport..all were left out for the sake of half the paper being set on ecology. which, in case u didnt know, is also one of my worst chapters.

realli nice of cambridge, isnt it?

and the killer qn: pupil diameter. i swear that maths has returned to haunt me even in my bio exam. pupil diameter and distance from light source?? i dunno, mebbe we went thru it in some obscure lesson, but i seriously know nuts abt it. still, i managed to bullshit some, i think i'll be ok.

and the essay qns were, in a word, anal. i mean, having 2 parts to each essay qn is understandable, but having 2-3 sub-parts per part is just whacked. wrote like crazy..drew diagram for the heart qn..gave eqns for the plant qn..but in the end i have no idea if they apply or not..and i forgot abt water vapour!! wrote so much crap on oxygen and carbon dioxide, and i forgot abt water vapour!!

2 yrs of mugging for bio down the drain cos cambridge decided to be funny when setting the paper 2 years ago..

life just isnt fair..

is it??

*wails* papers are geog(elec) and physics, followed by chem.

2 words.

i'm screwed.

ok maybe that's 3 words..

~ "bye!" said the madman, "have a nice life everyone!" ~

thx for the quote eud!

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 7:50 PM

Monday, November 08, 2004

emath 2 today.

anal paper.

could do most of the stuff though.


very tired.

getting emotional too..i think it's the stress..

nth to say.


Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 10:09 PM

Thursday, November 04, 2004

today was the most tiring O level day since, well, the beginning of the O level days. and i've decided that cambridge's favourite word for 2004 is "ambiguity".

i'll tell u why. u see, so far in the exams, numerous questions have appeared to be open to candidate's interpretation. first up was, of course, the cursed prawn in bio prac. next was the section 2 qn in english paper 1. now we have the kotc and 12th night essay qns for lit.

which brings me to today's papers:
emath 1
lit 1 & 2

the verdict for lit? ambiguous. personally i felt it was quite simple, but there was this little voice at the back of my head telling me "there's a catch! u just havent found it yet.."

still, im quite sure i did the qns to the best of my ability. kotc essay was interesting..we had to define the scope of our essay, put forth our point and discuss it. i said the statement in the qn was completely true, which is probably not very wise when it comes to O levels..still, i think i hinted that i think there's evidence to the contrary, just not enough to convince me. now the qn is whether the old ah-soh marking my paper all the way in england will catch it. "do like the english do", and i have no idea if i did that or not..

12th night was the suspiciously straightforward, its almost a listing qn! i have no idea if i wrote enough, and im hoping i did. still, straightforward is good i guess..essay qn was easy. then came the passage-based qn. part i: simple. part ii: killer..dunno if i wrote enough..was abt malvolio..i have the ideas, but very probably not enough content, not enough quotes.

still, i think i can do pretty well for lit.

ooh, before i forget: emath. again, simple to the point where i wonder if there's a catch. been comparing answers and, with the exception of a few careless mistakes, prospects look good. now i just hope that i can do as well for paper 2. i need the A for math..its a compulsory subject in my L1R5..


..and i ate fried rice for breakfast, lunch and dinner!! wow!! record more fried rice for me in a least till monday..i'll probably have to eat it for breakfast again..

run out of things to say liao..till nxt time..


1a) 2.4x10^-2 b) -2.0x10^-1
2a) A,E b) D,F
3a) 1/3 b) 2.82
4a) 2.5, -1 b) 2n+(n-2)
5a) 16.66m b) 0.04km^2
6a) 42.5% b) 9
7a) 120cm^3 b) 184cm^2
8a) 5/12 b) -5/13
9a) 300deg b) 120deg
10a) 11deg C b) -4 ≤ x < -2
11a) k=-12 b) i. l=-4 ii. m=3
12a) 6.8x10^-24 b) 0.702g
13a) coloumn vector 14,0 b) h=2 h=5.5
14a) $225 b) $132.40
15a) p= cube root of 24 b) y=0.36
16a) x+2 b) 50
17a) x = 111deg b) p=3 q=12
18a) many reasons, lazy to list *grin* b) i. 9:16 ii. dunno how to do..
19b) 5.2cm
20a) 18 b) i. x=70deg ii. y=105deg
21a) 1.9min b) 420m c) 0m/min d) 500m/min
22a) (1-3c)(a-2b) b) 5t^2 +6 c) x=10.5 y=-2
23a) 8h20min b) i. 120km/h ii. 4h24min
24b) 103deg d) PA=11.9cm
25a) (o,-1) b) reflect abt y=-x c) i. x=0 ii. 2
*that's all folks!*

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 11:22 PM

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

hey ya'll..nam tsoh was fired last episode..i think he made quite a colourful exit, dont u?

anyway, The Big O.

english papers 1 and 2 today. or more specifically, subject code 1127, papers 01 and 02.

paper 1:
i did qn 4. "Flight" was her name, and boy, was she good..

im kidding, of course.

i wrote a compo with that title. an expository, no less.


anyway, u might ask, how in the world do u write an expository on flight??

well, i wrote abt man's desires to take to the skies..that never-ceasing need to soar among the birds..i wrote about the evolution of powered flight..the technologies, the disasters, the responsibilities..that kinda thing. i wrote about the human side of things. which is good, i have been told, cos cambridge hates it if ur technical. im thinking that i cant write it technical anyway..i dun know enuf abt planes.


and the letter was quite simple, though im not sure if u had to contrast the 2 schools. i did anyway, so i guess it shld be ok.

paper 2:
harder than expected, but still easier than prelims. had a few open qns one's sure about the answers to those..

all in all, i predict an A1. im hoping revolves around my compo and summary. if they do well, i do well. if compo dies, i die. if summary dies, i also die. if both die..i think there's no need for me to reiterate my point, yes?

e math paper 1 in the morning, lit papers 1 & 2 in the afternoon. my hand's gonna drop off, my brain's gonna burn out.

lucky got a few days break before the next paper.


shall update more later if i think of anything..

ciao for now..


Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 3:19 PM

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

nam tsoh here, and im sorry to say that cheej has started a massive takeover bid of the show. after i host this program, i will be asked to tender my resignation. in other words, i will be fired.

therefore, starting from the next episode, the industry-accepted 6969 format will not be in effect. a new format, dubbed kcuf96, will be used instead. this format involves the subject of the show hosting and presenting and basically doing everything.

cheej will be doing everything on the show. even after i've done so much for him. still, what can i do? the producer, director and even the stage manager support him. never have i before seen such a case of blatant idolism.

he wishes.

damn that control freak.

anyway, on with the show..

SS paper today.
or, as i like to call it, PROPAGANDA.
its a paper where we write about nice things that the singapore government has done, amongst others.
so yeah, screwed up subject. and guess what? we got a screwed up paper to go with it!
"welcome to cambridge exams syndicate! today's special: screwed-up-subject-and-exam-paper set! set a comes with 2 answer booklets, set b comes with a free rope to hang yourself with. set c is double the price, but it has both the added answer booklet AND the rope! its an offer not to be missed!"
SBQ: de-contextualised. in other words, it was based on some event that was not mentioned in the textbook. as a result, i didnt know what the questions were asking for, nor did i know if i had gone out of point.
10 bucks says i did.
SEQ: 3 choices, with switzerland being the simplest of the 3. and me being me, i drew a complete blank on the topic.
sad, isnt it?
so i did the qn on diplomacy and deterrence. lots of people tell me, dumb choice. but my other option was japan and industries. i know nuts about that.
so my forecast for the propaganda paper: best case scenario B4
and in other, non-exam related news..
i swear my parents want me to burn out.
they've done a number of things recently..
1) take the xbox
2) take my handphone
3) give the xbox back
4) take the xbox again
5) give it back again
6) keep the games
its like, make up ur mind!! if they'd stuck to the first 2, i would have gotten over it. but they keep taking and giving and taking again. every time they take it he sends a messege. it says that they cant trust me to do the right thing, they cant trust me to be responsible enough to think for myself, to know my priorities. alright, i admit that with the phone i havent been exactly perfect, always going over the limit. but i have cut down, and i keep trying to cut down. and the xbox. heaven knows that i've never let games get the better of me when it comes to prioritising. sure, i go for 4, 5, 6 hour LAN sessions, but that's all after the exams. before the exams i work. the only comp i play is the maximum of 4 hours i get each weekend. on occasions, i play maybe 1 hour on a weekday to keep me going. and they take my xbox. cos they think i cant focus on my work. today i come back from ss paper tired and frustrated, looking forward to an hour or so of blasting planes apart and what do i get? i cant find the game anywhere. after i still had it yesterday. they tell me that they know i can study, they know i can prioritise, but what does taking the game tell me?? if not for eud and the FoS gang, i would have burnt out a long time ago. they dont know that. they dont bother to know.

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 2:15 PM




Cheryl Lee
Hao Guang
Qian Jin
Chye Keong
Yi Jun
Liang Lin
Cheng Wei
Yan Shao
Ying Xiang
Wei Jie
Wee Shian
Wei Zhi
Hwee Ming


adapted from: ariana