Monday, November 22, 2004

whee yesterday was my grandma's bday and choir seniors' dinner 2004. its much easier if i speak of everything that happened in present tense, so here we go yar?

woke up at 730am today..sighs..had to get ready cos relatives were all coming to my place at 9 for my grandma's 81st (i think) birthday..u know, chinese "da shou" yar? tea ceremony and all..had it at my place cos, well, no one else wanted it..i know u should love ur relatives and all, but hey, they should contribute too..any event that happens, its always the same place: my house. my whole family's a little upset about it, but we cant do anything can we?
anyway, after the whole tea ceremony and all, we went to the crown prince hotel (the one opposite paragon) for the birthday lunch..some sichuan restaurant..didnt have much to eat many dishes with mushrooms..oh well, had good food later, so it didnt reali matter..
and i went pool with my cousins! im so damn many shots that i missed..simple shots too..what the hell man..damn balls wouldnt go into their holes..*grr*
after that i went lan with jeff and yijun..i tell u, havoc man. we were playing 3v3 with these other guys whom we met there..i think they were american/australian/european/caucasian (ang moh) chinese guys..most of the rounds we won, cos (not being hao lian or anything..) i was on the team, but the rounds that those guys won, they were like, "man, u guys reali suck.." and me being the smart-alec that i am, went to reply "yeah, i suck real hard.."
i tell u, yijun had a field day. heck, he will have a field life. he will never, i repeat, NEVER, let me live it down..
but it was all right..seniors' dinner was after the HARD ROCK CAFE!! w00t!! man, the food there rox..granted there were things that i refused to eat like grilled vegetables (mushrooms included) and the seafood in the seafood pasta, but man, stuff like the potato salad, the tomato rice, the fish and chips, the BBQ chicken..simple, good american food. if there's anything america's good for, its the food. the simple fare anyway, no fast food or anything like that..
the sec 3s were quite creative with their games item..sabo the sec 4s into doing karaoke..i mean, i wish i had thought of it yar? choir is about singing, and instead of jus doing a chamber item for them, they make the sec 4s sing. of course, they still had the chamber item, but that's tradition..
so yeah, my group had to do where is the love. at first we thought it was jus the chorus..that went reali well. then they asked us to rap, us being me, jeff and jon tang. so die lor. lol. chunky and yijun had to come up and save us with the rap thing..and we still died, but nevermind, it was still so much fun..
speaking of yijun, he had to do a solo, toxic!! and he did it with helium, which (incidentally), we were all pretty high on (heh heh). picture this in your mind: tan yi jun, a bass, no less, singing toxic in a chipmunk like voice that sooooo does not suit him. and he has to take breaths of helium in between lines too. priceless, i tell u, priceless..
more on yijun: he had balloons tied round his head! so did prashanth! its crazy..if i can get my card reader to work (it wont read my handphone's mmc card) i'll send it to whoever wants it yar?
its a whole mixture of emotions..happy, sad, regret (some things done, some things not done..) and of course, knowing that i'll miss the rehearsals, the chamber practices, the a sense i dont want to leave the choir, but by the same token, it is in that same sense that i will never leave the choir..
to all my juniors, who probably dont know of my blog, and will never hear of it (not if ivan has anything to do abt it, and no, im not hinting anything here..)..
dont ever let the choir spirit die yar? and if anything, never ever forget the friendships forged, the teamwork carried out, the performances (both good and bad), the fun..
always hold the choir close to your heart yar?
i know its a little presumptious of me, but rest assured, i'll hold the choir close to my heart too..
~united we stand, divided we fall~

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 9:41 PM




Cheryl Lee
Hao Guang
Qian Jin
Chye Keong
Yi Jun
Liang Lin
Cheng Wei
Yan Shao
Ying Xiang
Wei Jie
Wee Shian
Wei Zhi
Hwee Ming


adapted from: ariana