Tuesday, November 02, 2004

nam tsoh here, and im sorry to say that cheej has started a massive takeover bid of the show. after i host this program, i will be asked to tender my resignation. in other words, i will be fired.

therefore, starting from the next episode, the industry-accepted 6969 format will not be in effect. a new format, dubbed kcuf96, will be used instead. this format involves the subject of the show hosting and presenting and basically doing everything.

cheej will be doing everything on the show. even after i've done so much for him. still, what can i do? the producer, director and even the stage manager support him. never have i before seen such a case of blatant idolism.

he wishes.

damn that control freak.

anyway, on with the show..

SS paper today.
or, as i like to call it, PROPAGANDA.
its a paper where we write about nice things that the singapore government has done, amongst others.
so yeah, screwed up subject. and guess what? we got a screwed up paper to go with it!
"welcome to cambridge exams syndicate! today's special: screwed-up-subject-and-exam-paper set! set a comes with 2 answer booklets, set b comes with a free rope to hang yourself with. set c is double the price, but it has both the added answer booklet AND the rope! its an offer not to be missed!"
SBQ: de-contextualised. in other words, it was based on some event that was not mentioned in the textbook. as a result, i didnt know what the questions were asking for, nor did i know if i had gone out of point.
10 bucks says i did.
SEQ: 3 choices, with switzerland being the simplest of the 3. and me being me, i drew a complete blank on the topic.
sad, isnt it?
so i did the qn on diplomacy and deterrence. lots of people tell me, dumb choice. but my other option was japan and industries. i know nuts about that.
so my forecast for the propaganda paper: best case scenario B4
and in other, non-exam related news..
i swear my parents want me to burn out.
they've done a number of things recently..
1) take the xbox
2) take my handphone
3) give the xbox back
4) take the xbox again
5) give it back again
6) keep the games
its like, make up ur mind!! if they'd stuck to the first 2, i would have gotten over it. but they keep taking and giving and taking again. every time they take it he sends a messege. it says that they cant trust me to do the right thing, they cant trust me to be responsible enough to think for myself, to know my priorities. alright, i admit that with the phone i havent been exactly perfect, always going over the limit. but i have cut down, and i keep trying to cut down. and the xbox. heaven knows that i've never let games get the better of me when it comes to prioritising. sure, i go for 4, 5, 6 hour LAN sessions, but that's all after the exams. before the exams i work. the only comp i play is the maximum of 4 hours i get each weekend. on occasions, i play maybe 1 hour on a weekday to keep me going. and they take my xbox. cos they think i cant focus on my work. today i come back from ss paper tired and frustrated, looking forward to an hour or so of blasting planes apart and what do i get? i cant find the game anywhere. after i still had it yesterday. they tell me that they know i can study, they know i can prioritise, but what does taking the game tell me?? if not for eud and the FoS gang, i would have burnt out a long time ago. they dont know that. they dont bother to know.

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 2:15 PM




Cheryl Lee
Hao Guang
Qian Jin
Chye Keong
Yi Jun
Liang Lin
Cheng Wei
Yan Shao
Ying Xiang
Wei Jie
Wee Shian
Wei Zhi
Hwee Ming


adapted from: ariana