Thursday, April 21, 2005

i open the door to the realm that is this blog. the hinges creak, unused as they are. having been away for so long, there's a thick layer of dust over much of the room's contents. only the terrapin tank, in a corner, has any signs of recent usage at all.

i open the closet and get out my cleaning-kit. brooms, featherdusters, jif/gif..u name it, i got it. in this dimension, i make the choices. heaving a sigh, i get down to it..


hey everyone, i realise i havent been in here in ages, but that's through no fault of my own. its been hard to get any inspiration, let alone time, to update and blog about my life. which, has been hectic, kinda crazy, and very roller-coaster-ish.

that aside, i realli should get down to business, shouldnt i? im in school now, in what we call bytz, a comp lab for students. its open to everyone, and i realli like the concept. sure beat the library back at acs, where we had to endure agnes and company's nagging..anyway, as i was saying, the concept rocks. the only problem is that maybe a third of the comps dont work..small problem though: i've more or less acquainted myself with which comps are working and which are not..

yahoo pool is fun. wink wink.


work has been coming in of now (as in, right now), i have completed 1 of the 2 1000-word essays which were due the week before, and have yet to even begin writing both 1000-word essays which are due next week. i realli should add now that these essays im referring too are merely for history. 1 subject. im not even mentioning econs, lit and gp. kinda tells u how far im behind doesnt u?

*yawns* *not getting enough sleep*

choir's been gearing up too..syf is on the 4th of may, a mere 13 days away, by my reckoning. the whole choir is finally beginning to support its weight: everyone's finally giving the effort that they can. everyone's focused on 1 goal now: GOLD WITH HONOURS.

that said, it hasnt been, and it isnt going to be, easy. frequency of practises has gone up, not to mention the hours spent at practise. dont get me wrong, i love singing, but i do admit that there are times where i wish i had more time to spend on myself and with loved ones. moreover, syf has been adding to schoolwork stress too. more time spent at choir equals less time for work/me/loved ones/fun/etc etc. then again, who am i to say anything? the J2s are, quite literally, going crazy. our president, bless her, looks tireder every time i see her in school.

on a side note: J2s JIA YOU!

*i know, acs pple, what in goodness's name is chee jun doing, using hanyu pinyin in a blog entry?!*

anyway, syf on 4th may. reporting time: 0845hrs. which, for those too tired to calculate, that we have to report to school at 0630hrs. which means that i have to wake up at around 0515hrs. i gotta admit though, its quite a refreshing change..if acs choir had worked this hard for syf 2003, i have no doubt that we would have done much, much, much better. other factors got in the way though.

*2003-2004 ac choir exco, u guys know what i mean*

on a side note, im going to watch the sound of music with eud tonight. $70.00 after school subsidy. despite being grateful for the break, i have a thought running through my head..



till next time guys..


it is with a satisfied smile on my face that i return my cleaning-kit to my closet. can you honestly blame me? not only have i dusted everything, i've even added a beautiful new scheduler to my desk! (incidentally, my desk has somehow gotten a little bigger to accommodate it. the wonders of being able to make my own decisions)

i shut the lights and turn to the door. closing it softly behind me, i lock it.

i walk away, hoping against hope that i'll be back soon..

cant blame me if i miss the stuff in there *heh*

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 4:27 PM




Cheryl Lee
Hao Guang
Qian Jin
Chye Keong
Yi Jun
Liang Lin
Cheng Wei
Yan Shao
Ying Xiang
Wei Jie
Wee Shian
Wei Zhi
Hwee Ming


adapted from: ariana