Monday, March 21, 2005

hey guys..i know, i havent been in here for a while..the little circuit boards that house my blog are kinda collecting dust at blogspot-central, where-ever that may be. still, i have returned! t3h r0xx0rz! *lol*

anyway, this entry is titled "donavan & cheeky". i know, you pple cant see the titles of my entries (why do u think im typing it here??)

anyway, school today was damn boring lah. J2s were having common tests, so i had like a whole day's worth of free periods. not that we didnt expect it, so wei jie brought his laptop and we wasted time watching bleach. not a bad anime, am thinking of downloading it..the only problem is that i use a family comp, so i cant do stuff like overnight downloads. anyway, enough digressing. im sure u pple are quite confused as to why the entry's titled "donovan & cheeky".

u guys know the new CNB advert? the one that goes "wo men bai tian shi student, wan shang shi brothers.." anyway, we found 2 terrapins in the student lounge today lah..after some investigation, we found out that both had been in the lounge for a week, and as such, hadnt been fed or had their water changed for the asforementioned duration. so u can imagine this..

a group of us walk into the student lounge, looking for a power point to plug the laptop to so that we can continue our rather pointless bleach spree. eud notices a tupperware container on the table, with rather sodden and, i must confess, mouldy contents. she opens it and finds 2 terrapins swimming in their own shit. they had a rock to rest on too, truth be told, but i dont think it was very comfortable..they rather preferred the shit-logged water.

anyway, eud took charge of the poor reptiles. deciding to change the water, she was insisting that i go with her to change the water of the poor things so that they could at least stop swimming in their own shit. that was until i pointed out that i couldnt follow her into the girls' toilet, for rather obvious reasons. so, pei went with her to the toilet, and they changed the water for the terrapins. if im not wrong, they bathed the terrapins too.

then we asked the councillors if they knew who the terrapins belonged to. turns out that they were used for some IP project, and when they had outlived their usefulness, they were tossed around by their tails and left in the lounge for the entire march holidays. apparently, the guy who bought them had decided that he wanted to "throw them away".

how heartless.

so eud took them home. me, wei jie, wei zhi and her went to cold storage gourmet at guthrie house to buy turtle food for the starving amphibians, before settling down in coffee bean to satisfy the terrapins' hunger and our thirst. so, u can imagine 3 guys and a girl, huddling around a table in coffee bean, trying to get 2 rather weak terrapins to eat.

the stronger one was named donovan, the weaker one, cheeky.

anyway, donovan rushed to the food and ate. cheeky just sat on the rock, as it had done for the past 3 hours, and stared at his food. of course, after donovan had downed 3 courses of turtle pellets (which translates to 3 pellets of turtle food) and cheeky had eaten none, we realised that the poor thing was dead. yes, it took us like 3 hours to realise that the poor thing had reached the end of its tether.

so, we flushed it down the toilet. honestly, we wanted to bury it, but we couldnt find anywhere to (we were at guthrie house, and parents would have freaked if a dead terrapinw as brought home). so we pursued the next best alternative.

picture this in your mind: 3 guys, crammed into a cubicle in the toilet (cubicle door left open btw) and staring at the cascading waters of a full flush. i dont want to know what would have happened if someone had walked in on us. we'd probably be kicked out and banned.

so that's the sad story of cheeky. donovan however, lived, and happily accompanied eud home. he's rather smart for a terrapin..everytime the bus driver braked, for example, he would brace himself against the bottom of the tupperware container (that he was in) to prevent himself from sliding around. really admire him man.

oh, i forgot to mention. donovan's name is really donovan/punk/houdini/aloysius. donovan cos of the advert, punk cos he showed real attitude when we first saw him, houdini cos he kept trying to climb up the tupperware container and escape, and aloysius cos, i quote eud, "he just looks like an aloysius".

i replied by asking, "what if he's a girl?"

so anyway, that's the story of donovan/punk/houdini/aloysius. am thinking of buying another terrapin to keep him/her company now. we're thinking of naming the newbie daniel. also from the advert.

on a final note, i'd like to digress and say that i might write an entire entry in l337 1 day. me and wei jie are a little high on it right now. like we're high on coke, crack and smack K.

i r b0r3d. l337 5 t3h pwn4ge. b+\/\/, f u c4\ r34d +-5, u r t3h l337 h4xx0r5 4\d u r0xx0rz.

if u c4\+..GG \003!

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 9:08 PM




Cheryl Lee
Hao Guang
Qian Jin
Chye Keong
Yi Jun
Liang Lin
Cheng Wei
Yan Shao
Ying Xiang
Wei Jie
Wee Shian
Wei Zhi
Hwee Ming


adapted from: ariana