Monday, January 31, 2005

life is a roller-coaster, i just gotta ride it..

i know, it's a realli cheesy ronan keating song (though he's good, i gotta admit) i just couldnt resist.

anyway, it's been realli hectic recently..quite exhausting. emotionally, mentally, physically..u name it, i probably got it. dun feel like elaborating now..that'd just mean that i'd have to revisit some unhappy times, and i dun very much want to feel worse now.

do u guys ever get pple close to you doing stuff behind your back? even though the stuff isnt harmful to you, you cant help but feel betrayed right? you feel your trust has been broken..

**note to everyone: im not referring to eud on top yar? quite the contrary, eud's been there for me whenever i've needed her**

and njc had road-run a.k.a cross-country last friday..the route's damn hilly..explains my physically exhaustion, no?

2 things have been keeping me afloat. well, 1's a person, so i guess i technically cant call it 2 things as per se..

im talking rubbish, arent i?

anyway, the person..i think you pple can guess lah..

to eud: *muax*

and the other thing's njc talentime. although i got sab0-ed to be soloist and grp leader (i didnt realli mind, though i would have preferred the selection process to have been a little more..democratic). still, the rehearsals have been was the heats..and let's just say that i havent felt this confident abt a performance in a long, long time *grins* still, musnt let confidence get in the way of common sense..still have lots of work to do to perfect the song..if my group gets through the heats, come support!!

ok..i guess that's all for now..

life is a roller coaster, just gotta ride it..



Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 9:08 PM

Sunday, January 30, 2005




..angry.. a word, negativity..

..thanks eud, for being there..

..wish i could do more for you too..


Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 7:46 PM

Friday, January 21, 2005

hey everyone..i know, i havent been blogging as often as i had in the past, and i definitely havent been blogging as often as i would have liked. still, i make the most of it yar? at the very least, u guys will get a post per week :P

anyway, school's just about gotten into full swing now..lectures, tutorials, pe lessons..the list goes on lah..somehow or other i just about manage to get up and go to school every morning to face the monotonous routine that is school life..

..every morning i reach school by 720, regardless of whether i take the bus or hitch a ride frm eud. that means that i've no time for breakfast (ac pple will know that i eat breakfast in school..). anyway, assembly's at 740, lessons start at 8am. so far it's been pretty ok..

my lit teachers (2 out of 3 anyway..) are pretty wonderful. ms paper 8 teacher is great, very nice, very motherly (of sorts anyway). mr paper 3 teacher is jus damn lame, damn funny, says whatever the hell he pleases to say in class. ms paper 1 though, is plain irritating..she teaches as if there's a right and wrong in lit..which of course there isnt..and she talks to her food! imagine walking past a woman sitting in the canteen, and she's saying to her food, "im really sorry chicken, but i have to eat you.."

freaky eh?

econs so far has been good..the subject's quite common sense, though at times it's a little dry. my tutorial teacher is damn boring..but the eoncs lecturer rox..he's damn good, though lectures can get boring (due to dry material, not due to lousy lecturer). he tries to make it interesting, realli he does..but somehow or other, i always end up dozing 3/4 way thru..

history's been horrible. ms paper 2 is forever paper 3 is out of town for now, so she's taking paper 3 as well..have to study history by myself..imagine that! no O level history experience, and now taking history for smart right? luckily, i have dear eud to help me..

*muax* thanks eud!!

GP and A/O chinese have been damn dry, damn boring, damn need to talk abt them, u guys probably have the same experience in other schools..

PE has been tiring..njc's road run a.k.a cross country's on the 28th of other words, as soon as school starts, we're running like mad chickens training for that 1 day..jus yesterday i ran 4km..and i did it while walking only for abt 10m!! such improvement..yay!!

and i realised that the diction i've been using in this entry's been a little erratic..

oh well, ur loss.. :P

how's it going in ur various schools? drop me a tag will ya?


Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 9:42 PM

Sunday, January 09, 2005

due to previously unresolved technical difficulties (such as tiredness, lack of sleep and utter laziness), this blog has failed to be updated. thankfully, these aforementioned problems have been fixed, and i am back in business.

not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing for u guys :P

anyway, the whole week's been orientation. cant remember all the details of it all, mainly cos i've seriously been too tired to remember much..impt stuff like the following i recall though; this knowledge shall now be imparted onto you.

1) i am in njc.
2) i am in the class of 05A03.
3) eud is in my class.
4) my OGLs rock.
5) i do not understand my timetable.
6) i am in the choir.
7) choir rehearsals are 3 times a week.
8) i am tired.

so there, all ur essentials! for more details, go to eud's blog..she remembers more than i do.

till next time, when i am:
i) less tired
ii) lack less sleep
iii) am less lazy (fat hope!)

~ ciao! ~

a little late, i know, but it's the thought that counts right?

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 10:03 PM




Cheryl Lee
Hao Guang
Qian Jin
Chye Keong
Yi Jun
Liang Lin
Cheng Wei
Yan Shao
Ying Xiang
Wei Jie
Wee Shian
Wei Zhi
Hwee Ming


adapted from: ariana