Tuesday, August 31, 2004

it comes and goes wif frightening eludes even the most sharp-eyed of observers..the hype it generates is only outweighed by its yet-to-be-seen potential..yes, u guessed it, its teachers day! the one day where students hide all their self-professed contempt for teachers and yell, scream, shout and generally pour out all their gratitude to their teachers. for who, if not teachers, will educate the uneducated, punish the ill-disciplined, and make sure that we as students do some decent work from time to time?

- and now, we return from our commercial break to our current programme, ac teachers day '04! -

*lolz* that i have managed to waste some of ur time (time that would have been spent surfing porn/slacking/doing hw/revising/generally wasting ur life) i will move on to my blog proper *wahaha*

ac teachers day..actually not much to say leh. this year's celebrations were quite bland..only 2 student items, which is quite sad considering last year we had 6 *oh well* i guess the word "gratitude" has escaped the vocabularies of many acsians. still, the celebrations were lively. the best item was of course huron and his magic tricks..jus watching him screw around with the minds of dr ong and mrs fanny tan is enough to make u bend over in laughter. lucky i was standing, otherwise i would have fallen off my chair..

oh yesh, before i! most of the teachers had realli boring responses..although u have to give credit to the few teachers with realli amazing reactions. i will now list the few of them who either fell for our pranks or responded with good-natured humour:

mr see teck hock - graciously accepted our gift. of course, he saw us later and asked us if we wanted to learn pig dissection (we gave him a pig beanie with a sign that proclaimed "squeeze me!")

ms chew kah wai - when we gave her our gift of a white wine bottle (filled with mineral water), she realli thought it was white wine *lmao*

mr desmond yap - promised to wear the pink hair dye we got for him on thursday (prelims day 3)

mr joseph wong - laughed his ass off when we gave him his condom-covered he has nowhere to use it! *heh heh*

-class of 4.11, collectively, "muahahahahahahahaha..!!" mind has suddenly gone blank..i think my bullshit machine has broken down..gonna go and repair it now, hope it'll be ready by geog(elec) exam..


Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 6:17 PM

Monday, August 30, 2004's papers were screwed up..spent the night before worrying my ass of for ss and studying the crap out of me in preparation for it, and what do i get? simple qn on venice, and some simple source based qns *argh* and the el 1 paper! section 1 was ok, no probs. section 2! *toot* i read it, i write and write and write, and when i check wif 5 mins to go, i realise that i may possible have used the wrong format! *aaahhh..* now must realli whack for el 2 and geog(elec), otherwise these 2 subs i die, and i can forget abt going njc..* a lotta motivation!!!*

ooh, tml is teachers' day celebrations! me and mong and jeremy and tim went shopping today..gotta admit, it mustve been kinda weird..imagine 4 acs guys rushing like mad thru the takashimaya cosmetics dptment cos we need to get to the escalator..*rofl*

our route today is as follows:
sch -> buena vista mrt -> city hall mrt -> city-link mall -> suntec city -> city-link mall -> city hall mrt -> somerset mrt -> heeren -> takashimaya -> wisma atria -> orchard mrt -> dhoby ghaut mrt -> plaza singapura -> home
its kinda crazt aint it? me feet arent thanking me now..

oh yesh, here's the list of stuff we got for the teachers..

mr see teck hock - pig beanie bag a la stress ball (hot pink)
ms han kok peng - chinese tea (ccolour unknown)
ms chew kah wai - mineral water in wine bottle, high voltage card (multicoloured)
ms yeap kar wei - cuddles the kitten plush (black)
mr joseph wong - condom covered zucchini (pink condom, green zucchini)
mr desmond yap - hair dye (hot pink/red)
mdm loh we fong - a beautiful mind vcd (shiny)
ms thirunalan - hippo squishy paperweight (glow-in-the-dark)
ms lydia ho - pig squishy paperweight (glow-in-the-dark)

okies, tts all i can remember off-hand..enjoy ur teachers' day holiday everyone, use it well yar?

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 9:33 PM

Saturday, August 28, 2004

*whee* today was crescent girls' arts awareness day..sorta like a funfair thingy wif arts programs. was quite interesting, had this talk wif a theatrical director called wendy, she talked abt working in the arts industry and all..was an eye-opener, that one. atmosphere was great, lotsa music, and everyone generally having a good time *grins* best of all, there was time spent wif a close friend *grins, u know who u are* the concept of aad is jus good lah, wish acs had something like this. i mean, we have festival of arts and all, but there's nothing realli to encourage the masses to appreciate the arts.

highlight of the program was, of course, the black box production by eldds. it was damn funny! and damn fun too! it was a collection of short skits, and boy, did they proclaim the theme of aad "art is blind!" audience participation was great, especially during the drama games. pple were so eager to volunteer others! *wahaha*

*sighs* ss and english 1 on monday..damn nervous can? el im ok lah, but ss, man that's a killer..i can never remember all the facts, and its not a subject that i can fallback on bullshit and still do well..oh well, shall stop whining here. will go mug! with my mug of coffee! (or mebbe tea)

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 9:17 PM

Friday, August 27, 2004

I don't like raisins and ladies' fingers..and they both came out for bio prac today! *whee* Another reason not to like them both. Still..the prac was manageable, even if i did only finish exactly when time was up :S It didnt help that i had a huge cup of coffee in the morning *caffeine overload!* so my fingers were shaking the whole way. Come to think of it, its actually quite funny..imagine a guy with hands shaking, racing against the clock, trying to line up 15 sticky raisins in a straight line..*falls over laughing and holding stomach*

Mong came over to play pool after the prac..we're both seriously off-form after all the mugging for prelims..lost count of the number of times we sank the cue-ball..oh well, after Os the whole gang can go crazy at SICC *hehe* Something to look forward to..
{ time to lock and load.. *tries to coax metallic noises out of pen* }

Cheong Chee Jun scribbled at 9:15 PM




Cheryl Lee
Hao Guang
Qian Jin
Chye Keong
Yi Jun
Liang Lin
Cheng Wei
Yan Shao
Ying Xiang
Wei Jie
Wee Shian
Wei Zhi
Hwee Ming


adapted from: ariana